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最后更新: 2013-05-27 20:20:47
产品产地: 日本
发货地: 深圳 (发货期:当天内发货)
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浏览次数: 222
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    • 华伦康盛科技(深圳)有限公司
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    • 邮件hlks17@163.com
    • 手机18929329429
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    • 地址深圳市龙华区大浪街道陶元社区佳利科技大厦2楼
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    AMN11   模拟输入/输出模块箱

    AMN12   快速模拟输入/输出模块箱

    AMN21   继电器输入/输出模块箱

    AMN31   输入/输出端子模块箱

    AMN32   输入/输出接插件模块箱

    AMN33   通信模块箱

    AMN34   多点控制模拟输入/输出模块箱

    AAM10   电流/电压输入模块

    AAM11   电流/电压输入模块

    AAM11B 电流/电压输入模块(支持 BRAIN)

    AAM21   mV,热电偶和 RTS 输入模块

    AAM21J mV,热电偶和 RTS 输入模块(符合 IEC584-1995IEC751-1995)

    APM11   脉冲输入模块

    AAM50   电流输出模块

    AAM51   电流/电压输出模块

    AMM12T       电压输入多路变换器模块(16 点,端子型)

    AMM12C       电压输入多路变换器模块(16 点,接插件型)

    AMM22M      mV 输入多路变换器模块(16 点,端子型)

    AMM22T       热电偶输入多路变换器模块(16 点,接插件型)

    AMM22TJ      热电偶输入多路变换器模块(16 点,端子型,符合 IEC584-1995)

    AMM22C       mV 输入多路变换器模块(16 点,接插件型)

    AMM32T       RTD 输入多路变换器模块(16 点,端子型)

    AMM32TJ      RTD 输入多路变换器模块(16 点,端子型,符合 IEC751-1995)

    AMM32C       RTD 输入多路变换器模块(16 点,接插件型)

    AMM32CJ     RTD 输入多路变换器模块(16 点,接插件型,符合 IEC751-1995)

    AMM42T       2 线制变送器输入多路变换器模块(16 点,端子型)

    AMM52T       电流输出多路变换器模块(16 点,端子型)

    ADM11T 接点输入模块(16 点,端子型)

    ADM11C 接点输入模块(16 点,接插件型)

    ADM12T 接点输入模块(32 点,端子型)

    ADM12C       接点输入模块(32 点,接插件型)


    ADM51T-2     接点输出模块(16 点,端子型)


    ADM51C-2    接点输出模块(16 点,接插件型)


    ADM52T-2     接点输出模块(32 点,端子型)


    ADM52C-2    接点输出模块(32 点,接插件型)

    ADM15R       继电器输入模块(16 点,端子型)


    ADM55R-2    继电器输出模块(16 点,端子型)

    ACM11   RS-232C 通信模块

    ACM12   RS-422/RS-485 通信模块

    ACF11    现场总线通信模块

    AMC80   多点控制模拟输入/输出模块




    AAM11   电流/电压输入模块

    AAM11B 电流/电压输入模块(支持 BRAIN)

    Analog I /O Module


    Current/Voltage Input Modules

    These modules receive 4-20 mA from 2-wire transmitters and 1-5 V standardized signals. They can also receive signals other than standard 4-20 mA or 1-5 V signals. AAM11B can be combined with a transmitter which supports BRAIN communications. Use our BRAIN terminal to specify parameters for a transmitter.





    AAM11, AAM11B


    Input signal


    0 to 10 V DC

    0 to 20 mA DC (*1) (*2)

    (It is possible to supply power to a transmitter.)

    Input resistance

    1 M at power-up (100 k at power-down)


    Allowable input voltage/current

    -10 to 30 V DC

    40 mA DC or less


    Supplying power to transmitter



    25.0 to 25.5 V DC (Output current limit: 60 mA DC

    or less )


    Auxiliary voltage output

    1 to 5 V DC; Output resistance: 1 or less;

    Allowable load resistance: 10 k or more; Signal ground is shared with system

    Square root extraction

    Specify whether to use square root extraction.


    Voltage input: ±4 mV;   Current input: ±16 µA; Auxiliary voltage output: ±12 mV


    Effect of ambient temperature change

    For 10 °C change:

    Voltage input: ±4 mV + ± 0.15 % of specified value

    Current input: ±32 µA

    Auxiliary voltage output: ±24 mV

    Data update period

    50 ms

    Current consumption

    300 mA or less (5.0 V DC)


    Signal isolation

    Input signals are isolated between systems

    Withstanding voltage: 1500 V AC/min

    How installed

    Installed in the I/O Module Nest

    How connected

    Connected to the terminals of the I/O Module Nest with M4 screws

    How input signals are specified

    Specify input signals and range by software setting.


    *1:      This module can be combined with MTL barrier 728. In this case, wiring resistance must be 10 or less and the minimum operating voltage of the 2-wire transmitter must be 12 V DC or less.

    *2:      When the power of AAM11 is OFF or an abnormal condition occurs, the current input loop is open.

    Do not share current signals with other receivers. To share signal, attach Shunt Resistance (250 ) to current-output module and share voltage output.



    AAM10   电流/电压输入模块

    Current/Voltage Input Module (Simplified Type)

    This module receives 4-20 mA from 2-wire transmitters and 1-5 V standardized signals.







    Input signal


    1 to 5 V DC

    4 to 20 mA DC (*1) (*2)

    (It is possible to supply power to a transmitter)

    Input resistance

    1 M at power-up (100 k at power-down)


    Allowable input voltage/current

    -10 to 30 V DC

    40 mA DC or less


    Transmitter power supply



    25.0 to 25.5 V DC

    (Output current limit: 60 mA DC or less )

    Auxiliary voltage output


    Square root extraction



    Voltage input: ±4 mV; Current input: ±16 mA

    Effect of ambient temperature change

    For 10 °C change: Voltage input: ±8 mV Current input: ±32 µA

    Data update period

    50 ms

    Current consumption

    250 mA or less (5.0 V DC)

    Signal isolation

    Input signals are isolated between systems. Withstanding voltage: 1500 V AC/min

    How installed

    Installed in the I/O Module Nest.

    How connected

    Connected to the terminals of the I/O Module Nest with M4 screws.

    How input signals are specified

    Specify input signals and range by software setting.


    *1:      This module can be combined with MTL barrier 728. At this time, wiring resistance must be 10 or less and the lowest operating voltage of the 2-wire transmitter must be 12 V DC or less.

    *2:      When the power of AAM10 is OFF or an abnormal condition occurs, the current input loop is open.

    Do not share current signals with other receivers. To share signal, attach Shunt Resistance (250 ) to current-output module and share voltage output.

    AMM22M      mV 输入多路变换器模块(16 点,端子型)

    AMM22T       热电偶输入多路变换器模块(16 点,接插件型)

    AMM22TJ      热电偶输入多路变换器模块(16 点,端子型,符合 IEC584-1995)

    AMM22C       mV 输入多路变换器模块(16 点,接插件型)

    AMM32T       RTD 输入多路变换器模块(16 点,端子型)

    AMM32TJ      RTD 输入多路变换器模块(16 点,端子型,符合 IEC751-1995)

    AMM32C       RTD 输入多路变换器模块(16 点,接插件型)

    AMM32CJ     RTD 输入多路变换器模块(16 点,接插件型,符合 IEC751-1995)

    Multiplexer Module

    These modules receive up to 16 points from DC voltage, mV, thermocouple and RTD. Measuring inputs can be specified per point.






    AMM12T AMM12C


    AMM22M AMM22C


    AMM22T AMM22TJ (*2)

    AMM32T AMM32TJ (*3) (*4) AMM32C AMM32CJ (*3)


    AMM25C (*2)









    Input signal



    DC voltage





    Thermocouple IEC Standard Type K, T, J, E, B, R,

    IEC Standard

    Type N



    JIS JPt100 or JIS Pt100 (DIN Pt 100)

    3-wire type

    Termocouple IEC Standard Type K, T, J, E, B, R, S

    IEC Standard Type N, mV. Channel 16 is used for RJC port.

    Input range

    -10 to 10 V DC

    -100 to 100 mV DC

    -100 to 100 mV DC

    -200 to 600 °C

    -100 to 100 mV

    Allowable input voltage

    -30 to 30 V DC

    -0.5 to 4.0 V DC

    -0.5 to 4.0 V DC


    -0.5 to 4.0 V DC

    Input resistance

    1 M


    1 M

    Signal isolation

    Input signals are isolated between systems. Withstanding voltage: 1500 V AC/min

    Data update period

    1 s


    ±4 mV

    ±40 µV

    ±40 µV


    ±40 µV

    Disconnection detection time




    10 s Max.


    20 s Max.


    10 s Max.

    Disconnection detection current




    0.1 µA

    Allowable signal source resistance




    1 k Max.




    1 k Max.

    Allowable wiring resistance



    150 max. (per wire)



    RJC input


    -10 to 70 °C



    RJC accuracy


    ±1 °C (*1)


    15 V ±10 %

    Allowable common mode voltage


    200 V AC




    200 V AC

    Measuring current


    1 mA


    Burnout detection


    Select from UP/DOWN/OFF.

    Input parallel connection

    Permitted (burnout OFF)

    Not permitted

    Permitted (burnout OFF)

    How installed

    Installed in the I/O module nest.


    How connected

    Connected to the terminal of the I/O module with M4 screws. Use a KS1, KS2 or KS3 cable for AMM12C, a

    KS1 cable for AMM22C/AMM25C, and a KS8 cable for AMM32C.


    Effect of ambient temperature change

    For 10 °C change :

    DC voltage: ±8 mV or less               mV input: ±80 µV or less

    Thermocouple input: ±80 µV or less   RTD Input: ±0.3 or less


    For 10 °C change :

    ±80 µV or less

    Current consumption

    500 mA or less (5.0 V DC)

    How input signals are specified


    Specify input signals and range by software setting.


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