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    LINMOT PL01-28X710/630 电机转子
    LINMOT Type E1100-GP Part No.0150-1665 Serial No.1665.373.060 Motor Controller
    LINMOT Bestnr. A1NTI-0150-1219;PS01-48x240-C 线圈
    LINMOT E2031-DP,0150-2317 驱动器
    LINMOT S01-72/500,0150-1874 开关
    LINMOT PS01-37x120-C 线圈
    LINMOT PS01-37x120F-HP-C 线圈
    LINMOT LU02-1000 润滑脂
    LINMOT PL01-20x395/320 滑杆
    LINMOT PL01-19x800/720 滑杆

    Linear Motors

    Whenever translational motions need to be performed dynamically, with low friction and high flexibility, users choose linear systems.The core of the LinMot drive system consists of the control electronics, the servo drive, and the linear motors.

    LinMot motors are electromagnetic direct drives in tubular form. The linear motion is produced purely electrically and wear-free, without any intermediate coupling of mechanical gearboxes, spindles, or belts. The linear motor consists of just two parts: the slider and the stator. The slider is made of neodymium magnets that are mounted in a high-precision stainless steel tube. The stator contains the motor windings, bearings for the slider, position capture sensors, and a microprocessor circuit for monitoring the motor.

    The internal position sensor measures and monitors the current position of the linear motor not only when it is stopped, but also during the motion. Deviations in position are detected immediately and reported to the upper-level controller. LinMot linear motors can be positioned freely within the entire range of the stroke. In addition, both the travel speed and the acceleration can be controlled precisely. For more complex motions, arbitrary travel profiles can be saved as curves in the servo drive and executed by the motor at the desired speed.

    Linear Motors Profile
    • Can be positioned freely
    • Extremely dynamic
    • Long service life
    • Adjustable speed
    • Monitored motions
    • Adjustable acceleration
    • Gentle motions
    • Programmable force
    • Can be synchronized

    Speeds of up to 7.3 m/s and accelerations of over 780 m/s2 allow very short positioning times and high cycle rates

    The design of the linear motors makes them standard elements in the field of machine design, where they are commonly used to replace pneumatic drives and mechanical cam discs. With LinMot linear motors and simple guides, the engineer has all the components needed to design complete linear drive systems.

    Standard Motors

    The standard variant of the linear motor can be used universally, covering a wide range of applications. Many different positioning tasks in the low-voltage range can be performed using the compact drives. The family of motors includes 3 models with various lengths of the stator and the stroke. The user can select a maximum stroke length of 1830 mm and peak force of 1024 N. Because the motor components are encapsulated, the motor is optimally protected, even for intensive applications.

    • Highly dynamic drives
    • Wide range of stroke lengths
    • Available with cable outlet or pivoting angled plug
    • Air cooling available as an option
    • Wide variety of potential applications in handling systems and in machine and systems design

    HP Motors

    The High Performance line of linear motors have significantly greater performance than standard motors with the same component size and identical dimensions. This is largely due to the ongoing development of the motor windings and the magnetic circuit, and the use of high-performance materials.
    With High Performance motors, the user has access to nearly double the nominal performance. The higher performance in the same form factor allows power to be increased in existing machines and systems without the trouble of mechanical redesign.

    • Particularly strong magnetic circuit
    • Increased continuous force and acceleration
    • Allows higher operating temperatures
    • Optimal for applications with limited component mass
    High Performance Linear motor

    Short Motors

    This type of motor is the shortest form factor for LinMot linear motors. Short motors have been developed especially for applications with limited space constraints. The short form factor also means that multi-axis applications can be implemented with several stators on one slider in a very small space. In order to provide the designer with as many options as possible for cable routing, these motors are provided with three covers for the cable outlet on the left, the right, or the front side. The motor cable can be plugged in under the cover for quick and easy installation.

    • Short form factor with a minimum stator length of 90 mm
    • Integrated mounting flange
    • Plug-in motor cable with cover
    • Selectable cable outlet position
    • For use with limited space constraints and multi-axis applications

    Linear Motors 3x400VAC

    The P10-70 series of motors are the most powerful drives that LinMot makes.

    The larger motors with increased performance and more than three times the peak force present greater challenges for drive units and servo drives. Therefore, LinMot has developed an entirely new concept here, with a three-phase winding and servo drives that are fed directly from the grid.

    The control electronics and the motor together provide an outstanding alternative to conventional design elements.

    • 3 x 400VAC technology
    • Peak force up to 2500 N
    • Extremely high accelerations and speeds
    • Separate plugs for sensor and power cables
    • Operation with commonly available servo controllers

    Series P10-70 linear motors are available with various encoder interfaces and can therefore be controlled by third-party servo drives without any difficulties. Series P10-70 linear motors have been tested together with the leading manufacturers of servo drives.

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