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德力中频点焊机 铝板直流点焊机

产品价格: 23800/人民币 
最后更新: 2019-02-20 10:42:34
产品产地: 广东惠州市
发货地: 广东惠州市 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
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最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 925
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  • 公司基本资料信息
    • 惠州市德力焊接设备有限公司
    • 黄巧玲小姐 业务主管
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    • 邮件2851797926@qq.com
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    • 地址中国广东省惠州市博罗县湖镇镇陈村工业园
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    MF Series Middle Frequency Inverter DC Welding Machine

    Main Application and Characteristic
    1. Resistance Welding is one kind of welding technology which melt the metal material by the resistance heating energy which is generated by the welding current passing the workpiece itself.Therefore by increase or adjusting the welding current frequency,it can change and improve the welding quality. 
    Just basing on this theory,we develop the Middle Frequency Inverter DC Welding Machine,its welding current frequency increase to 1000HZ from common 50HZ or 60HZ.
    The controlling time precision is much higher, the power factor is more than 98%,without eddy current electromagnetic induction interference, the welding quality is also improved a lot.
    2. While not for all the workpiece,the current optimum value is all same as 1000HZ,some need bigger welding frequency,others need less,just because this reason,basing on the Middle Frequency Welding Technology,we also develop VF Series Variable Frequency Welding Machine which welding frequency is adjustable. 
    The principle is that by the added a IGBT pulse width adjustable "Welding Controller" and the output voltage of V and transformer turns N all adjustable "Welding Transformer" to fulfill the function of adjustable frequency.
    3. However, these two kinds of welding methods both can not adjust welding currecnt value of each welding automatically according to the subtle changes of workpiece.
    In order to meet much higher request to welding quality,such as for the automotive,aircraft and other high-end products,we develop one kind of “Dynamic Resistance Principle Auto Self Adaptive Control System”.It can install to both MF and VF Welder,by this way they can adjust the welding current automatically basing different product.
    This system is based on the constant current mode control technique, according to the workpiece thickness,different dirt surface of workpiece and the corrosion degree,current shunt,the operator’s individual difference factors,such as the subtle changes and solder joints, it can automatically adjust welding current during the welding process of each welding spot,ensure the consistency of the welding quality and effect.
    4. Middle Frequency and Variable Frequency Welder are both powered by three-phase power,compared to the traditional AC welder two-phase power supply,will not cause the fluctuation of power supply, also can adapt suddenly lifting voltage strongly.Current output is also more accurate, more stable, more energy saving and more efficient.
    5. These kinds of higher technology is specially suitable for welding higher conductive rate of material,such as aluminum,copper,silver,and so on. Also good at welding much more thicker workpiece,automobile,aerospace,and other high request products and industry.

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