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Nickel-PTFE Coating

产品价格: /人民币 
最后更新: 2019-02-26 14:44:54
产品产地: 本地
发货地: 本地至全国 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 359
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    Nickel–PTFE(Teflon)Plating (Ni-Te)

    Polytetrafluoroethylene also known as P.T.F.E. It is a high polymer chemical consisting of fluorine resin. More than 1 ethylene hydrogen atom is replaced by fluorine atom; P.T.F.E. is a polymer that has millions of macromolecules. It is heat resistant, oil resistant, and chemical resistant and is not affected by almost all solvents.

    ●Nickel–Teflon Plating

    P.T.F.E. as a solid lubricant disperses its P.T.F.E. particle uniformly over its Nickel Teflon film. It is a perfect self-lubricating film. When P.T.F.E. coated metal is rubbed against each other the P.T.F.E. particles disperse and spreads out thus reducing friction and prevents sticking.*(μ)

    Nickel metal becomes the matrix which contains phosphorus so the film is hardened by the heat during heat treatment.

    Indicator of the characteristics of Nickel-Teflon plating under the various conditions.

    *Appearance of the surface and coefficient at friction by heat treatment(cf. figure 1)

    After Nickel-Teflon plating at 10μm completed the P.T.F.E. particles that are exposed dissolve at the temperature at 350℃and change its form into fan shape, this further decreases the frictional coefficient.

    *Temperature of heat treatment and hardness(cf. figure 2)

    After Nickel-Teflon plating at 3μm, the Nickel-Teflon plating shows the hardness at 300Hv under the condition of eduction. After heat treatment of 300℃x1Hr the hardness achieved is 550Hv. This hardness is the appropriate hardness.

    *Thickness of plating film and hardness(cf. figure 3)

    When the thickness of Nickel-Teflon plating is 20μm or over it achieves the same strength as just Nickel-Teflon plating.

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