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产品价格: 1300/人民币 
最后更新: 2019-03-13 11:09:16
产品产地: 英国
发货地: 上海 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 227
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    • 灿勤实业(上海)有限公司
    • 张先生先生 销售经理
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    BOWMAN 船用冷油器、EJ.BOWMAN中冷器


    如今,英国 Bowman 已成为一家经过 ISO9001:2008 认证的全球性工业及商用热交换器和油冷却器制造商,在艰苦的海洋环境中积累的宝贵经验使得 Bowman 能够为陆基应用生产出十分可靠耐用的热交换器,适用于液压油系统、联合发电/热电联供 (CHP) 装置、废热回收应用、用于采矿设备以及质量与可靠性至关重要的其它领域的油冷却器。BOWMAN的产品被广泛用于造船,汽车,钢铁制造,电厂等领域,在客户中拥有不错的口碑。并且一直受到客户的信赖。
    Bowman 在英国拥有40000平米的制造车间,位于英国伯明翰的中心城区,每年都有几千万英镑的产品从这里出口到世界各地。销售网络遍布全世界150多个国家和地区。
    Today, Bowman has become a world-wide manufacturer of industrial and commercial heat exchangers and oil coolers certified by ISO 9001:2008. The valuable experience accumulated in the harsh marine environment enables Bowman to produce highly reliable and durable heat exchangers for land-based applications, suitable for hydraulic oil systems, combined generation/cogeneration (CHP) devices, waste heat recovery applications, and so on. Oil coolers for mining equipment and other areas where quality and reliability are critical. BOWMAN products are widely used in shipbuilding, automobile, steel manufacturing, power plant and other fields, and have a good reputation among customers. And has been trusted by customers.            Bowman has 40,000 square meters of manufacturing workshops in the UK, located in the heart of Birmingham, where tens of millions of pounds of products are exported to the world every year. The sales network covers more than 150 countries and regions all over the world.            Product advantages:            1. BOWMAN has nearly 80 years of manufacturing experience in the field of cooler manufacturing. It has a complete range of products and excellent quality.            2. In the UK, BOWMAN has more than 60 R&D technicians, more than 5,000 front-line production staff, and has strong strength in the field of production and R&D. And it can customize products according to customers'needs, whether before or after sales, it can serve customers 100% to meet customers' needs and save customers'worries.            Commonly used heat exchanger series are            Hydraulic oil cooler, marine oil cooler, DC oil cooler, engine and gearbox cooler.            Marine heat exchanger, exhaust gas heat exchanger, water tank heat exchanger, swimming pool heat exchanger, pressurized air cooler, stainless steel heat exchanger, embedded plate heat exchanger, fuel cooler, shell and tube heat exchanger, titanium heat exchanger, solar energy heat exchanger, rear cooler, intercooler, non-storage heater.
    FG120-1427-3、FG140-1427-4、FG160-1427-5 、FG200-1427-7、GL140-1428-2、GL180-1428-3、GL240-1428-4、GL320-1428-5 、GL400-1428-6、GL480-1428-7 GK190-1658-3、GK250-1658-4 GK320-1658-5 GK400-1658-6 、GK480-1658-7、GK600-1658-8、JK190-1661-3、JK250-1661-4、JK320-1661-5、JK400-1661-6、JK480-1661-7、JK600-1661-8、PK190-1669-3、PK250-1669-4、PK320-1669-5、PK400-1669-6、PK480-1669-7、PK600-1669-8、FC-120-1426-3、FG100-1427-2、FG120-1427-3、GL180-1428-3、GL480-1428-7、GK250-1658-4、GK320-1658-5、FG100-1604-2、GL320-4288-5、EC100-1425-2,FC120-1426-3,FG100-1427-2 GL180-1428-3,GK600-1658-8,GK600-4539-8 FG120-1427-3,JK190-1661-3,EC100-1425-2、EC 80-1425-1 、EC100-1425-2 、EC120-1425-3 、EC140-1425-4、EC160-1425-5、FC 80-1426-1、FC100-1426-2、FC120-1426-3、FC140-1426-4 、FC160-1426-5、FG 80-1427-1、FG100-1427-2、PK190-1669-3...

    Canqin Industry (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

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