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DDR4 RDIMM innodisk内存条 宜鼎代理商

产品价格: /人民币 
最后更新: 2020-07-02 10:03:08
产品产地: 台湾
发货地: 北京 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 993
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    宜鼎的服务器DIMM系列使用原厂保固的IC,可整合在无风扇的环境下并减少服务器工作量。宜鼎的服务器产品系列规格齐全,从RDIMM、超矮板(VLP)模块、到MINI DIMM 皆一网打尽。


    • Register for Enhancing Clock, Command, and Control Signals
    • Single Error Correction and Detection Available
    • Fully Tested and Optimized for Stability and Performance
    • Uses Original IC to Meet Strict Industrial Standards
    • Anti-Sulfuration Protection Against Harsh Environments
    • JEDEC Standard 1.2V (1.26V~1.14V)
    • Operating Environment : 0°C ~ 85°C
    • 30μ” Gold Finger
    • RoHS Compliance
    • CE/FCC Certification


      DDR4 RDIMM offers the industry's fastest memory speed with 3200MT/s, and it is fully compatible with the Intel® Purely platform. The modules come equipped with 30μ” Gold Fingers and include single bit error correction and a register to enhance clock, command, and control signals. All are available in 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, and 32GB capacities. 2133MT/s, 2400MT/s, 2666MT/s, and 2933MT/s modules are also available.

      ECC modules are designed to detect and correct single-bit errors that occur during data storage and transmission. ECC modules use Hamming Code or Triple Modular Redundancy for error detection and correction, and manage error corrections on their own, without requesting that the data source resend original data.

      概述: ddr4 rdimm 提供业界最快的内存速度,3200mt / s,并且完全兼容英特尔纯平台。 这些模块配备了30英寸的金指,包括单位纠错和寄存器,以增强时钟,命令和控制信号。 都有4gb,8gb,16gb 和32gb 的容量。 2133mt / s、2400mt / s、2666mt / s 和2933mt / s 模块也是可用的。 ecc 模块用于检测和纠正数据存储和传输过程中出现的单位错误。 Ecc 模块使用 hamming 代码或三重模块冗余进行纠错,并自己管理错误更正,而不要求数据源重发原始数据。


      Interface DDR4
      bbbb Factor RDIMM
      Data Rate 2133 MT/s, 2400 MT/s, 2666 MT/s, 2933 MT/S, 3200 MT/S
      Capacity 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, 32GB
      Function Registered Memory with ECC
      Pin Number 288pin
      bbbbb 72Bits
      Voltage 1.2V
      PCB Height 1.23 Inches
      Operating Temperature 0°C to 85°C
      30μ” Golden Finger Y
      Anti-Sulfuration Y (*With exception of the 32GB module)


      Density Component
      Part Number Rank Voltage DeSCRJPTion
      4GB 512Mx8 M4R0-4GSSACSJ 1Rx8 1.2V DDR4 2400 RDIMM
      4GB 512Mx8 M4R0-4GSSACIK 1Rx8 1.2V DDR4 2666 RDIMM
      8GB 512Mx8 M4R0-8GSSBCSJ 2Rx8 1.2V DDR4 2400 RDIMM
      8GB 512Mx8 M4R0-8GSSBCIJ 2Rx8 1.2V DDR4 2666 RDIMM
      8GB 1Gx8 M4R0-8GS1ACSJ 1Rx8 1.2V DDR4 2400 RDIMM
      8GB 1Gx8 M4R0-8GS1ACIK 1Rx8 1.2V DDR4 2666 RDIMM
      8GB 1Gx8 M4R0-8GS1ACUN 1Rx8 1.2V DDR4 2933 RDIMM
      8GB 1Gx8 M4R0-8GS1ACEM 1Rx8 1.2V DDR4 3200 RDIMM
      16GB 1Gx8 M4R0-AGS1BCSJ 2Rx8 1.2V DDR4 2400 RDIMM
      16GB 1Gx8 M4R0-AGS1BCIK 2Rx8 1.2V DDR4 2666 RDIMM
      16GB 1Gx8 M4R0-AGS1BCUN 2Rx8 1.2V DDR4 2933 RDIMM
      16GB 1Gx8 M4R0-AGS1BCEM 2Rx8 1.2V DDR4 3200 RDIMM
      32GB 2Gx4 M4R0-BGS3GCSJ 2Rx4 1.2V DDR4 2400 RDIMM
      32GB 2Gx4 M4R0-BGS3GCIK 2Rx4 1.2V DDR4 2666 RDIMM

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