潮汐灌溉在植物栽培过程中有以下优点: 1、节水高效,系统循环完全封闭,水肥利用率高; 2、灌水均匀度很高,节省大量人力; 3、作物生长速度更快,提高设施利用率; 4、作物叶片不潮湿,很少发生叶片病害传播,减少使用杀虫剂; 5、相对湿度易控制; 6、管理程度低。
潮汐苗床适用于盆栽植物的 营养液栽培和容器育苗的工厂化生产,具有节水、节肥、生产效率高、作物长势好等特点.应用表明,采用潮汐灌溉方式的作物,其生长量明显优于人工浇灌方式, 可减少用水量33%,提高水分利用效率40%,还可减少氮肥使用量.潮汐式灌溉可推动我国设施农业的增产、增收,提高花卉、种苗的品质,具有广阔的应用前景.
What are the characteristics of tidal seedbed?
The tidal seedbed is suitable for nutrient solution cultivation of potted plants and factory production of container seedling cultivation. It has the characteristics of water saving, fertilizer saving, high production efficiency and good crop growth. The application shows that, The growth of crops using tidal irrigation is obviously better than that of artificial irrigation, which can reduce water consumption by 33%, improve water use efficiency by 40%, and also reduce nitrogen fertilizer usage. Tidal irrigation can promote the yield increase and income increase of facility agriculture in China, improve the quality of flowers and seedlings, and has broad application prospects.