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产品价格: /人民币 
最后更新: 2019-05-09 11:12:21
产品产地: 本地
发货地: 本地至全国 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 1307
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    The SC-4104-W1 is an easy-to-use lighting control module that requires no specialist skills to install and operate, and no software is needed in order to control the DO channels.

    The SC-4104-W1 provides 1 channel for digital input (photo couple isolation) and 4 channels for relay output. 1 of the 4 output channels is form C type relay and the others are form A type relay, while the input channel is based on a sink-type using a wire connection. The input channel can directly control a 4-channel relay ON and OFF sequence without requiring a remote host controller. And the SC-4104-W1 support 7 kinds coordinated function for users select. In addition to there is one channel temperature sensor can detect -40℃ ~ +80℃ and it can be read by DCON and Modbus RTU communication protocol to control small fan control unit. SC-4104-W1 has ±4 kV ESD protection for each terminal and 5000 Vrms intra-module isolation for DI. And the Shell is using fireproof materials. These high protection designed allows users more at ease.

    When required, communication with the SC-4104-W1 is programmable based on the DCON and Modbus RTU protocol, and an added benefit is that different addresses can be set for DCON and Modbus RTU communication via hardware configuration.

    Do not use the SC-4104-W1 to connect to any device where the loading is greater than 160 W (1.4 A, 110 V) per channel, as this may cause the module to malfunction.

    ICP DAS cannot be held responsible for any damage or injuries that may result from inappropriate usage and any such usage may cause your warranty to be voided.



    • Cost-effective for lighting control
    • Power Relay Outputs
    • Isolated AC Digital Input
    • -40°C ~ +80°C Temperature Detector
    • Support DCON and Modbus RTU Protocol
    • 7 Kinds DI DO coordinated functions

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