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产品价格: 150/人民币 
最后更新: 2021-08-25 15:20:57
产品产地: 全国
发货地: 本地至全国 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 187
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  • 公司基本资料信息

    QSX15压力传感器3331044传感器4921473 3417183 Combined charge air (boost) temperature and pressure sensor ISX with CM570 and QSX15 with CM570 ISX 79160946 QUY500液压履带式起重机传感器QSX15压力传感器3331044

    1 4921475 3417185 Combined oil temperature and pressure sensor ISX with CM570 and QSX15 with CM570 ISX 79153111

    1 4921477 3417189 Combined oil temperature and pressure sensor ISM with CM570, QSM11 with CM570, and ISM e with CM570 ISM 35150265

    2 4076493 3331044 Combined ambient air and barometric pressure sensor ISX with CM570, QSX15 with CM570, ISM with CM570, QSM11 with CM570, and ISM e with CM570 ISX 79151141 and ISM 35149125

    3 4921493 3330141 Charge air (boost) pressure sensor ISM with CM570, QSX15 with CM570, and ISM e with CM570 ISM 35149125

    3 4921499 3408377 Fuel pressure sensor ISX with CM570 and QSX15 with CM570 ISX 79151141

    3 4928594 4921746 Exhaust gas pressure sensor ISX with CM870, ISM with CM870, and ISM with CM570 and CM870 ISX 79153589 and ISM 35150265

    3 4928593 4921748 Charge air (boost) pressure sensor ISX with CM870, ISM with CM875, and ISM with CM570 and CM870 ISX 79151580 and ISM 35149125

    3 4921519 4921737 Fuel pressure sensor ISX with CM870, ISM with CM875, and ISM with CM570 and CM870 ISX 79151141 and ISM 35149125

    3 4921517 4921744 Oil pressure sensor ISX with CM870, ISM with CM875, and ISM with CM570 and CM870 ISX 79151141 and ISM 35149125

    4 4921728 4903035 EGR differential pressure sensor ISX with CM870, ISM with CM875, and ISM with CM570 and CM870 ISX 79159197 and ISM 35152782

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