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德国UTP HydroCav进口耐磨焊条

产品价格: 500/人民币 
最后更新: 2021-10-04 20:02:08
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    德国UTP HydroCav进口耐磨焊条

    德国UTP A DUR 600耐磨药芯焊丝 盾构机刀盘专用耐磨堆焊焊丝

    德国UTP耐磨焊丝A DUR 600盾构机堆焊焊丝


    西安骏焊专业代理德国UTP焊条焊丝 电厂专用镍基焊条镍基焊丝 不锈钢焊条焊丝 耐热钢焊条焊丝 耐候钢焊条焊丝 低温钢焊条焊丝 低合金焊条焊丝 铸铁焊条焊丝 耐磨堆焊药芯焊丝 埋弧焊丝 明弧焊丝等特种焊接材料进口焊条进口焊丝


    Classifications DIN 8555 EN 14700 E 5-UM-250-CKZT EZ Fe9 

    Characteristics and field of use UTP HydroCav is suitable for wear-resistant surfacings on weldments where high resistance to cavitation pitting, corrosion, pressure and impact is required, as for example in water turbine construction and pump construction. Due to the strong ability of work-hardening the weld deposit hardness under impact stress can be doubled. The main application field are surfacing on soft martensitic 13/4 CrNi-steels on Kaplan turbine blades. UTP HydroCav has good welding properties and is weldable in all positions, except vertical-down. It has a stable arc, even weld build-up, and good slag removability. Hardness of the pure weld deposit as-welding condition approx. 21 HRC After cold hardening approx. 50 HRC Typical analysis in % C Si Mn Cr Ni Co Fe 0,2 0,7 10,0 20,0 0,15 13,0 balance Welding instruction Clean welding area thoroughly to metallic bright. The interpass temperature should not exceed 250°C. Preheating of solid work pieces to 80 – 100°C is advantageous. Weld stick electrode with short arc and steep guidance. Redrying: 2h/300° C Welding positions Current type DC (+) / AC Recommended welding parameters Electrodes Ø x L [mm] 2,5 x 350 3,2 x 350 4,0 x 350 Amperage [A] 70 – 90 90 – 120 120 – 150 

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