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电缆穿刺线夹 电缆T接分支器 电缆分流器

产品价格: 9/人民币 
最后更新: 2021-11-23 11:46:32
产品产地: 合资
发货地: 深圳 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 1754
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  • 公司基本资料信息

    绝缘穿刺线夹(Insulation Piercing Connectors)主要由绝缘壳体、穿刺刀片、防水胶垫、力矩螺栓组成。当做电缆分支连接时,将分支电缆插入支线帽并确定好主线分支位置后,用套筒扳手拧紧线夹上的力矩螺母,随着力矩螺母的拧紧,线夹上下两块暗藏有穿刺刀片的绝缘体逐渐合拢,同时,包裹在穿刺刀片周围的弧形密封胶垫逐步紧贴电缆绝缘层,穿刺刀片亦开始穿刺电缆绝缘层及金属导体。当密封胶垫和绝缘油脂的密封程度和穿刺刀片与金属体的接触达到效果时,力矩螺母自动脱落,此时,安装完成且接触点密封和电气效果达到。

    The Insulation Piercing Connectors is mainly composed of an insulating shell, a piercing blade, a waterproof rubber pad and a torque bolt. As a branch of cable connection, the branch cable is inserted into the cap and confirm the main branch line position, the torque nut with the socket wrench, tighten the clamp with tightening torque nut, clamp down two pieces of a puncture blade insulator gradually closed, at the same time, wrapped in a curved blade gradually around the puncture sealing pad close to the cable insulation layer, the puncture blade also began to layer and a metal conductor insulation puncture cable. When the sealing degree of the sealant pad and the insulation grease reaches the best effect when the contact between the puncture blade and the metal body reaches the best effect, the torque nut automatically falls off. At this time, the installation is completed, and the contact point seal and the electric effect reach the best.

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