OK Tigrod 13.28瑞典伊萨低温钢焊丝ER80S-Ni2氩弧焊丝
瑞典伊萨OK 74.78进口低合金钢焊条 E9018-D1低合金钢电焊条
陕西西安骏焊专业销售瑞典伊萨高强钢气保焊丝 低温钢焊条焊丝 不锈钢焊材 低合金焊条焊丝 镍基焊材 药芯焊丝 耐磨焊条焊丝 高强钢低合金焊条焊丝 不锈钢焊条焊丝 不锈钢药芯焊丝 氩弧焊丝 实芯焊丝 等特种进口焊条焊丝
OK Tigrod 13.28 FeaturesSpecifications OK Tigrod 13.28 GTAW OK Tigrod 13.28 is 2.4Ni-alloyed (ER80S-Ni2), copper-coated rod for the GTAW of low-temperature, fine-grained steels in applications such as pressure vessels, pipes and the offshore industry, with a minimum yield strength of up to 470 MPa. The wire provides good impact toughness down to -60°C. Welding current DC(-) Classifications Approvals Typical all weld metal composition, % Typical mech. properties all weld metal SFA/AWS A5.28 ER80S-Ni2 EN ISO 636-A W2Ni2 VdTÜV 06243 (RG) C 0,1 Si 0,6 Mn 1,1 Ni 2,4 Wire composition Yield stress, MPa 540 Tensile strength, MPa 630 Elongation, % 30 Elongation, % 30 Charpy V Test temps, °C Impact values, J -20 200 -40 180 -60 150 Diameter, mm 1,0 1,6 2,0 2,4 3,2 4,0 Length, mm 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Weight of rods/box, kg 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0