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GMM251 GMP251天行健直销芬兰原厂vaisala二氧化碳传感器

产品价格: 14773/人民币 
最后更新: 2022-05-24 15:35:05
产品产地: 芬兰
发货地: 福州 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 1297
询价  家家通会员产品
  • 公司基本资料信息
    • 福州天行健节能科技有限公司
    • 叶工小姐 销售经理
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    • 邮件2961668110@qq.com
    • 手机18650706365
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    • 地址福建省福州市鼓楼区水部街道六一中路71号皇岛中环F夹层T22单元
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    GMM251 GMP251福州天行健17年专业直销芬兰原厂vaisala二氧化碳传感器

    Gems Sensors designs products and systems tailored to today's most sophisticated and critical applications. For over 60 years, we have worked with global customers and resources to create customized products for various applications while meeting design and manufacturing requirements.The origin of the radiosonde can be pursued in the 20th century, at that time, the founder of the radiosonde and the long-term director Vilho Väisälä professor, the principle of non-line electric exploration. Established in 1936 in Finland, the first criticism of the radiosonde exploration center, in the center of Helsinki, in the center of the city. The world leader of the multi-measurement survey, which was started by the company.

    GMP251 Carbon Dioxide Probe For %-level measurements 


    • Measurement range 0 … 20 %CO2 

    • Intelligent, standalone probe with analog and digital outputs

     • Compatible with Indigo transmitters and Insight PC software 

    • Wide operating temperature range (−40 … +60 °C) 

    • IP65-classified housing 

    • Integrated temperature measurement for CO2 compensation purposes 

    • Compensations also for pressure, oxygen, and humidity 

    • Sensor head heated to prevent condensation 

    • Compatible with Indigo transmitters, RFL100 data logger, and Insight PC software

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