OK Autrod 16.95铬镍锰不锈钢气保焊丝18 8Mn焊丝 高强度高拉力钢焊丝 ER307高级不锈钢焊丝
ESAB II 81-K2LH瑞典伊萨高强钢药芯焊丝
天津海焊专业销售瑞典伊萨进口气保低合金高强钢药芯焊丝 气保耐磨药芯焊丝 不锈钢气保焊丝 镍基焊条镍基焊丝 低合金焊条焊丝 高强钢焊条焊丝 铜焊条焊丝 铝焊条焊丝 铸铁焊条焊丝 耐磨焊条焊丝等进口焊条焊丝
A continous solid corrosion resisting chromium-nickel-manganese wire for welding of austenitic stainless alloys of 18% Cr, 8% Ni, 7% Mn types. OK Autrod 16.95 has a general corrosion resistance similar to that of the corresponding parent metal. The higher silicon content improves the welding properties, such as wetting. The product is a modified variant of ER307, basically with a higher Mn content to make the weld metal less sensitive to hot cracking. When used for joining dissimilar materials the corrosion resistance is of secondary importance. The alloy is used in a wide range of applications across the industry such as joining of austenitic, manganese, work hardenable steels as well as armourplate and heat resistant steels.