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Avesta FCW 309L PW伯乐不锈钢药芯焊丝

产品价格: 80/人民币 
最后更新: 2022-08-25 20:33:27
产品产地: 本地
发货地: 本地至全国 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 672
询价  家家通会员产品
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    Avesta FCW 309L PW伯乐不锈钢药芯焊丝 E309LT1-4/1进口不锈钢焊丝 直径1.2mm 每盘15公斤

    Classification EN ISO 17633-A EN ISO 17633-B AWS A5.22 T 23 12 L P M21 1 TS 309L-F M21 1 E309LT1-4 T 23 12 L P C1 1 TS 309L-F C1 1 E309LT1-1 DAVID戴维德合金焊材

    Characteristics and typical fields of application Avesta FCW 309L-PW is a high-alloyed flux cored wire, primarily intended for surfacing low-alloy steels and for dissimilar welds between mild steel and stainless steels. It is designed for all-round welding and can be used in all positions without changing the parameter settings. Corrosion resistance: When used for overlay welding on mild steel a corrosions resistance equivalent to that of 1.4301/304 is obtained already in the first layer.

    Base Materials Dissimilar joint welds: of and between high-strength, mild steels and low-alloyed QT-steels, stainless, ferritic Cr- and austenitic Cr-Ni- steels, manganese steels Surfacing: for the first layer of corrosion resistant weld surfacing on ferritic- perlitic steels in boiler and pressure vessel parts up to fine-grained steel S500N, as well as of high temperature steels like 22NiMoCr4-7, 20MnMoNi5-5 and G18NiMoCr3-

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