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EA-010,EA-016,EA-025,EA-035electric actuator

产品价格: 6000/人民币 
最后更新: 2020-10-16 18:01:39
产品产地: 海外
发货地: 四川 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 760
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  • 公司基本资料信息

    EA-008,EA-010,EA-016,EA-025,EA-035,EA-050,EA-080,EA-120,EA-150,EA-200,EA-300,EA-600,EA-900 electric actuator  is specially designed for quarter turn operating applications such as Ball,     Butterfly, Plug valves, Dampers and similar usages. - It's variation in wide range of output torque control options fit your specific requirement. - EA series electric actuator provides high reliability and performance for your automation plan.  - Compact and low weight due to high grade aluminum alloy for housing.  - High corrosion resistance due to hard anodizing on inside & outside and     polyester coating on external surface. - Various output torque from 80Nm to 9000Nm. - Wide range of voltage available - Self locking with minimum backlash in the transmission - Rugged construction with o-ring system giving water and explosionproof.    (optional : explosionproof/Exd IIB T4, IP68) - Handwheel for manual operation engaged by a manual/auto lever arranged for power preference - Easy mounting base standard to ISO5211 - Standard 4 limit switches. 2 for operation, 2 for extra (dry contacts) - Torque switches (except for EA-008) - LED lamps on indicator monitoring valve position and operation (option) - Space heater with thermostat for preventing overheat - Removable drive bushing with under hung for easy machining and tight connection. - 

    - Low weight & Robust design

    - Motor Power : DC24V
                          AC110/220V, 1PH, 50/60Hz ±10%
                          AC220/380/440/460/480V, 3PH, 50/60Hz ±10%

    - Flexible option : RP4,RM4, RPC, RPK,RCT

    - Enclosure : weather proof - IP67, IP68
                     explosion proof - Ex d IIB T4(IECEx, ATEX ...)

    - 4x limits switches(standard) - except EI-008/010

    - 2x torque switches(standard) - except EI-008/010

    - Reversible fan cooling motor

    - ON/OFF or Modulating

    - ISO 5211 mounting base

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