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产品价格: 1700/人民币 
最后更新: 2023-03-16 10:37:47
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浏览次数: 95
询价  试用会员产品
  • 公司基本资料信息
    • 上海荣跃停车设备有限公司
    • 王明先生 项目负责人
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    • 邮件2624380637@qq.com
    • 手机15026440748
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    • 地址上海市奉贤区肖塘路255弄10号2层
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    升降横移类立体车库 1. 本机型采用钢丝绳与链条复合传动方式,配合大功率电机,使用更加安全可靠,车台边梁前端设计成斜坡,无尖角,不会扎破轮胎。 2.上车台、横移车台的边梁高度一致,方便司机存取车时出入库。 3.有安全框进行防坠落保护,结构安全可靠。 4.后悬臂式车台板与强固斜撑组合,结构安全,出入库采用无梁柱设计,车辆存取安全快捷。 5.模组化弹性设计,可配合现场地形,施工快速。 6.地面必须是钢筋混凝土结构,以利于设备立柱和膨胀螺栓固定。 7.如果柱间距E可以达到需求尺寸,则横移车位可以通过其柱间,其柱间两侧区可以作为同一组控制,以增加车位。 8.需求净高≥3600mm此尺寸为扣除消防管、排风管等一切设施的净空间高度。 9.设备安装处应该提供足够使用的电源。 1. This machine adopts the compound transmission mode of wire rope and chain, cooperates with the high-power motor, and is safer and more reliable. The front end of the side beam of the platform is designed as a slope, without sharp angle, and will not puncture the tire. 2. The side beams of the boarding platform and the transverse platform are of the same height, which makes it convenient for the driver to enter and leave the garage when accessing the car. 3. Safety frame for falling protection, safe and reliable structure. 4. The combination of rear cantilever platform plate and strong brace is safe in structure. The design of beam-less column is adopted for access and storage, and the access of vehicles is safe and fast. 5. Modular elastic design can cooperate with the site topography, and the construction is fast. 6. The ground must be reinforced concrete structure to facilitate the fixing of equipment columns and expansion bolts. 7. If the column spacing E can reach the required size, the transverse parking space can be controlled by the two sides of the column, which can be used as the same group to increase the parking space. 8. The net height of demand (> 3600mm) is the net space height of all facilities except fire hoses and exhaust ducts. 9. Equipment installation should provide adequate power supply.

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