1) 智能自动校准,基准为反射率大于90%的ZrO2,无需频繁白板校准
1. A new type of measurement and control quality control solution for small curved electronic components, with small area measurement technology, and good testing results with small arc amplitude.
2. Adopt dual row high-precision optical array sensing control technology
3. Provide intelligent self calibration without frequent calibration, high hardness white base plate
4.Provide 37 types of simulated light sources, which can evaluate the effects of various use environments, and provide more than 30 measurement parameters
5. Provide grating spectroscopic technology
6. Provide multi-angle solutions for gloss analysis of high gloss materials
7. Provide visible light full band balanced LED light source and ultraviolet UV light source or analog fluorescent xenon lamp light source
8. The high color effect of cathode aluminum can also be well recognized and quality controlled
9. Equipped with camera viewfinder positioning function, user-friendly design scheme, reducing human usage errors, improving the yield rate, and reducing production costs
10. Support for integrated charging base, continuous measurement for single charging, environmentally friendly and efficient
11. IPS full color screen is adopted, with clear, concise and understandable display
12. Pass the first level measurement certificate
13. Support for Android/IOS/WINDOW program system
适用材料: 高光泽涂层喷漆,阳极铝,特殊稀有金属材料,各种金属、合金及部分非金属,如ABS、PVC、环氧树脂、硅晶片、油漆(电子元器件封装绝缘层,汽车仪表按键,手机按键,音响透光键)等。
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