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产品价格: 2800/人民币 
最后更新: 2021-04-27 21:15:19
产品产地: 太仓
发货地: 厦门 (发货期:当天内发货)
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最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 55
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    莆田荔城黄石工业园长城普力液压油总经销Series lubricants have the following advantages: characteristics, advantages and potential benefits, resistance to micro-pitting fatigue and high resistance to ordinary scratch and wear, extend the life of gears and bearings in closed gear drives operating under load, speed and temperature conditions with less unplanned downtime and maintenance-especially for hard-to-reach gear boxes. Excellent resistance to high temperature degradation, extended oil life and oil change cycle, reduced oil consumption and labor costs, corrosion and corrosion resistance and good water separation, so that the equipment can run smoothly under high temperature or water pollution, and the compatibility of soft metals, even in the case of water, will not block the filter, less filter replacement and maintenance costs, application range, mobil gear oil (Mobilgear) XMP series is a performance industrial gear oil designed to optimize equipment and oil life under extreme operating conditions. They are formulated for use in modern locally hardened gear drives to provide resistance to pitting corrosion and to extend the life of oil products. Typical applications include: Wind turbines, plastic extruders gearbox, paper, steel, petroleum, textile, logging and cement industries gearbox

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