龙岩市壳牌S2MX液压油产品销售壳牌得力士S2MX46工业液压油,壳牌得力士S2MX46抗磨液压油,长沙维美销售原装正品壳牌得力士S2MX46液压油,我公司代理销售壳牌工业润滑油,代理的产品包括壳牌抗磨液压油、壳牌工业齿轮油、壳牌合成齿轮油、壳牌润滑脂、壳牌合成润滑脂、壳牌涡轮机油、壳牌真空泵油、壳牌透平油、壳牌发电机油、壳牌导轨油、壳牌金属切削油、壳牌导热油、壳牌火花机油、壳牌空压机油、壳牌冷冻机油、壳牌食品级润滑油等系列The Pole protection series engine oil is a fully synthetic engine oil. A metal element, titanium, which is low temperature resistant and corrosion resistant, has been added. The liquid titanium formula has greatly improved the low temperature resistance and corrosion resistance of engine oil, it also reduces the friction between the metal and the metal as far as possible, thus reducing the power loss caused by the friction, the oil film can be adsorbed on the surface of the engine parts to reduce the wear of the engine during cold start and prolong the service life of the engine.