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供应DURALCO230Ndurabond 230

产品价格: 1/人民币 
最后更新: 2013-08-21 16:40:48
产品产地: 美国
发货地: 东莞鸿越 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 259
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    • 地址广东省东莞市莞城区八达路华利五金电子城商贸二楼B5-210室
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    供应DURALCO230Ndurabond 2301200ºF - Duralco 201 - Liquid Aluminum Coating
    2500ºF - Duralco 215 - Impregnate and Coating
    1500ºF - Duralco 230N - Liquid Stainless Coating
    Duralco 201 is a new, water based coating filled with ultra fine
    aluminum for maximum corrosion resistance. Duralco 201 has
    excellent resistance to high humidity and saline atmospheres,
    fuel gas exhaust, corrosive environments and organic solvents.
    Its easy to use. Just apply and cure.
    protecting stacks, mufflers, boilers, jet
    engines, heat exchanges, chemical processing equipment,
    outdoor electrical equipment and other assemblies.
    Duralco 215 has ultra fine, ceramic particles that will
    impregnate even into pre-wound electric windings. It is readily
    applied by brushing, dipping, coating and air dries to provide
    excellent electrical, chemical and solvent resistance.
    coating and impregnating high temp.
    coils, motors, transformers, resistors, heating elements, etc.
    Duralco 230N Liquid Stainless is formulated from specially
    processed, stainless steel platelets and Ceramic binders
    creating a safe, water based system. It is applied to clean
    surfaces by brushing, spraying or dipping. Air drying or mild
    heat will provide corrosion resistance to 1300ºF -1500ºF.
    Parts coated with Duralco 230N passed 2000
    hour tests and thousands of thermal cycles tests to 1300ºF.
    1800ºF - Duralco 254 - Porcelain Like Stainless
    Duralco 254 is a unique, silicone bonded, porcelain like,
    highly protective, Stainless Steel, Composite Coating. Just
    apply and dry at room temp. Post cure at approximately 1100ºF
    to 1400ºF. Duralco 254 offers service up to 1800ºF and is ideal
    for providing protection for all types of metallic surfaces.
    corrosion protection for burners heating elements, exhaust stacks, equipment, etc

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