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供应Cotronics Thermeez 7020 陶瓷粘合剂

产品价格: 1/人民币 
最后更新: 2013-08-08 10:40:26
产品产地: 本地
发货地: 东莞鸿越 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
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最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 290
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    Thermeez 7020 Ceramic Putty

    70203 11oz CAULKING TUBE

    Goes Right to Work Just Apply and Let Dry

    For Use to 3200°F

    Physical Properties

    Max. Use Temp

    . 3000°F
    Melting Point 3200°F
    Density 40 # / ft.3
    Shrinkage 2 %
    Modules of Rupture 800 psi
    Compressive Strength 1500 psi
    Specific Heat 0.24 BTU / # °F
    Dielectric Strength 100 volts/mil
    Dielectric Constant 1.61 0 8



    Thermal Insulating Putty

    Now a Moist, Creamy Putty Is Available In Easy to Use Caulking Cartridges

    Thermeez 7020

    Provides the Refractory Properties of “Space Age Aluminum Oxide Ceramics” with the economy and convenience of a ready to use caulking compound. Thermeez 7020 is resistant to oxidizing and reducing atmospheres, molten non-ferrous metals steam, most chemicals and solvents. Formulated with unique ceramic binders and high purity, Aluminum Oxide based ceramics. Just apply and let dry to form a thermal and electrical insulating ceramic. Cures at Room Temp. For faster curing just heat at 200ºF-250ºF. Use for Instant Repairs to brick, mortar, burner blocks, insulation, furnace holders, thermocouples, etc. ! Thermeez 7020 repaired the sand castings used in a lost wax manufacturing process. The castings were then used for casting large, decorative parts for top line motorcycles. !

    Repair of cracked or damaged ceramic insulations, furnaces, etc., liquid metal handling, brazing fixtures and supports, thermocouple insulation, etc. molding and bonding ceramic fiber components, high temp. thermal and electrical insulation, insulation of pipes, supports, burners, turbines, etc.

    Thermeez 7020 is Ideal For Any High Temperature

    Repair, Insulation, Casting or Molding Application

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