173-726O-59O6 The mold temperature has a great influence on the forming quality and molding efficiency of the adhesive. In the mold of high temperature, flow of molten plastic material is better, is conducive to the glue filling cavity, plastic surface to obtain high quality, but can make the rubber curing time, easy deformation during ejection, the crystalline compound, more conducive to the crystallization process, avoid storing and the use of glue size change; when the mould temperature is low, the melt glue difficult to fill the cavity, leading to increased stress, matte, craze, weld marks. 宣城市宁国市贴面机专用电加热导热油装置
Different rubber material has different surface processing technology, and various plastic parts requirements and different structure in the most effective time in production to meet the quality requirements of the plastic mold, which requires to maintain a certain temperature, the mold temperature is more stable, plastic parts produced in terms of size and shape, plastic pieces the appearance of quality requirements of the more consistent. Therefore, in addition to mold manufacturing factors, mold temperature is an important factor to control the quality of plastic parts, mold design should take full account of the control method of mold temperature.
173-726O-59O6 我公司为完善自身品牌,重抓售后,实行24小时内到达机器售出点,为客户排忧解难,尽最大可能不耽误客户生产。 173-726o-59o6
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173-726O-59O6 1、总电源过电流无熔丝断路器;
9、防干烧装置. 防积垢保护
10.失压排气保护系统 173-726O-59O6