173-726O-59O6 辊轮控温系统
命长;采用原装进口英国“WEST”双组P.I.D.自动演算型玻璃液晶温控器,(加热和冷却均有P I D 自动演算功能,温控更精确节能)可省电35%以上;流程故障显
示,容易检修;无须专业维修人员.突波过滤及吸收装置,适应电压不稳环境。昆山辊轮控温系统 导热油电加热系统 热媒电加热设备 进口PC板采用DC回路控制,抗外界干扰,低电压寿命长;上述图片及建议仅供参考
,详细型号请咨询我们,更多型号请访问我们的网站 或致电我们了解"。173-
726O-59O6 袁
173-726O-59O6 Mold temperature rise, small temperature difference,
energy-saving more than 20%. Use flange type Swedish wire double power
stainless steel electric heating pipe It is used in different
temperature control occasions, Imported hot wire, long service life,
not easy to burn out; http://www.dianjiareyoulu.com pressure indicator
Table: solenoid valve imported from Taiwan tripod brand UNID, high temperature 180 degrees. Back water thermometer can monitor mould Whether the hole is blocked or not and the injection forming condition is stable. High voltage safety protection system, explosion protection device, high voltage safety Valve. Pressure system pump adopts Italy "fryde" small flow, high pressure.