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最后更新: 2013-05-18 15:17:27
产品产地: 欧洲
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    HSD shrink discs are removable machine elements used for to connect a hollow driving shaft with a driven shaft. The tight fit prevents the ingress of dirt and high contact prssuer also prevents fretted corrosion. Wear is eliminated as there are no moving parts. HSD Shrink Discs can still be removed after many years of heavy-duty use and are easy to replace.

    Shrink Disc Type HSD are available in the following forms:

    Series 20 for transmission of small torques

    Series 21 for transmission of medium torques

    Series 22 Standard for transmission of high torques

    Series 23 for transmission of very high torques

    Series 81 as series 22, but with 20-30% higher torques capacity

    Series 83 as series 23, but with 20-30% higher torques capacity


    HYD shrink discs are removable machine elements used for to connect a hollow shaft with a solid shaft. The assembly is hydraulically pre-loaded under high pressure using a hand pump. The self-locking tapered joint being secured with a retaining ring. Assembly and removal of these takes only a fraction of the time usually taken for bolt type Shrink Discs.

    Shrink Disc Type HYD are available in the following forms:

    Series 22 for transmission of high torques

    Stuewe收缩盘HYD系列型号Stuewe锁紧盘HYD 62-22HYD 80-22HYD 100-22HYD 140-22Stuewe锁紧盘HYD 155-22HYD 165-22HYD 175-22 HYD 125-22HYD 185-22HYD 200-22HYD 220-22HYD 240-22HYD 260-22HYD 280-22HYD 300-22Stuewe收缩盘HYD 320-22HYD 340-22Stuewe锁紧盘HYD 360-22HYD 390-22HYD 420-22 HYD 440-22HYD 460-22HYD 480-22HYD 500-22Stuewe收缩盘HYD 530-22HYD 560-22HYD 590-22HYD 620-22HYD 660-22HYD 700-22HYD 750-22Stuewe锁紧盘HYD 800-22


    SDG shrink discs are two-piece Shrink Discs used to fix disc shaped components. High performance capabilities as well as quick and simple assembly are the main features.

    Shrink Disc Type SDG are available in the following forms:

    Series 71/72 for transmission of high torques

    Series 91 for transmission of very high torques


    SDG 24-72SDG 30-72SDG 36-72Stuewe收缩盘Stuewe锁紧盘

    SDG 44-72SDG 50-72SDG 55-72SDG 62-72SDG 68-72SDG 80-72SDG 90-72SDG 100-72Stuewe收缩盘SDG 110-72SDG 125-72Stuewe锁紧盘SDG 140-71SDG 155-71SDG 165-71SDG 175-71SDG 185-71SDG 200-71SDG 220-71Stuewe收缩盘SDG 240-71、、SDG 260-71SDG 280-71SDG 300-71SDG 320-71SDG 340-71SDG 360-71、、SDG 390-71SDG 420-71SDG 460-71SDG 480-71SDG 500-71Stuewe锁紧盘SDG 530-71SDG 560-71、、SDG 140-91SDG 155-91SDG 165-91SDG 175-91SDG 185-91SDG 200-91、、SDG 220-91SDG 240-91SDG 260-91SDG 280-91SDG 300-91SDG 320-91Stuewe锁紧盘SDG 340-91、、SDG 360-91SDG 390-91


    Shaft Couplings WK are ideal for applications that require a simple yet safe and rigid connection between two shaft ends.High capacities allow to design small shaft diameters. The long model WKL compensates larger axial distances between the shaft ends.

    Shaft Couplings WK are available in the following forms:

    Type WK 12 short design

    Type WKL 12 long form model A

    STUEWE联轴器WK系列型号WK 10-12STUEWE联轴器WK 12-12WK 15-12WK 20-12WK 25-12WK 30-12STUEWE联轴器WK 40-12WK 50-12、、WK 60-12WK 70-12WK 80-12STUEWE联轴器WK 90-12WK 100-12WK 120-12STUEWE联轴器WK 140-12WK 160-12WK 180-12WK 200-12WK 220-12WK 240-12WK 260-12WK 280-12WK 300-12WK 320-12WK 340-12STUEWE联轴器WK 360-12WK 390-12WK 420-12


    Flange couplings for any case of application can be supplied ex stock. The outstanding features of all our products are quick assembly and disassembly. Certifications, e.g. for marine applications, are available. As an alternative, we offer flange coupling halves with adapted drilling pattern. Flange couplings with hydraulic shrink disk reduce assembly times, and thus plant downtimes, to a minimum.

    Flange Couplings FKH are available in the following forms:

    Type FKH complete flange coupling

    Type FKHA flange coupling halve

    Type FKHYD flange coupling are hydraulically tightened

    Stuewe法兰联轴器系列分为以下型号FKH 240-80FKH 300-90FKH 340-100FKH 370-110FKH 400-120、、FKH 400-130FKH 470-140FKH 470-150FKH 520-160FKH 560-180Stuewe法兰联轴器FKH 560-200FKH 590-220Stuewe法兰联轴器FKH 630-240、、FKH 630-250FKH 710-260FKH 710-280FKH 800-300Stuewe法兰联轴器FKH 800-330FKH A 340-100FKH A 370-120FKH A 400-120FKH A 400-130FKH A 470-140FKH A 470-150Stuewe法兰联轴器FKH A 520-160FKH A 560-180FKH A 560-200FKH A 590-220FKH A 630-250FKH A 710-280FKH A 800-300FK HYD 400-120FK HYD 470-160FK HYD 520-180FK HYD 560-20Stuewe法兰联轴器FK HYD 590-220FK HYD 650-240FK HYD 710-260Stuewe法兰联轴器FK HYD 800-300FK HYD 900-340FK HYD 1000-380FK HYD 1100-420STUEWE涨紧套。

    STUEWE 万向轴GF系列

    GGF connecting flange for cardan shafts can be supplied ex stock of all standard cardan shafts. The connecting bores are produced according to your specifications. Our connecting flanges are distinguished by shortest delivery times and most precise workmanship.

    Cardan Saft Couplings GF are available in the following forms:

    Series 21 Standard for shaft diam up to 85 mm

    Series 22 for transmission of high torques

    Series 23 for transmission of very high torques
    STUEWE 万向轴
    GF系列型号GF 58-21GF 65-21GF 75-21GF 90-21GF 100-21GF 120-21GF 150-21STUEWE 万向轴GF 180-22GF 225-22GF 250-22GF 285-22GF 315-22GF 350-22GF 390-22STUEWE 万向轴GF 435-22GF 180-2GF 225-23GF 250-23GF 285-23GF 315-23GF 350-23GF 390-32STUEWE 万向轴GF 435-23锁紧盘锁紧

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