搬运车特性:油泵为整体密封式,关键部件采用德国进口原件,有过载保护 避免漏油
的弊病,大小活塞杆镀铬结构牢固,有过载保护,下降速度控制 ,阀芯采用整体件,
了操作工的力,并有保护了负荷的轮子和货叉; 带手动缓降控制阀的密封式油泵,高
Features of manual handling vehicle:
The truck is also called small
moving tanks, heavy transport, cattle. Mainly used for handling all
types of machinery and machine or other heavy objects, and can be
matched with Jack, hand slung over the top, such as lifting tool used,
reduce the labor intensity, improve efficiency. My company operating
various types of transport vehicles, such as the obstacle handling car,
mainly used for handling journey across the barriers of handling
operations, the truck can easily cross the barrier, will not hurt the
vans and the operation is simple; hydraulic manual handling car
characteristics: oil pump as a whole sealing type, the key components
of the original imported from Germany, overload protection to avoid the
leakage of the ills, size of piston rod chrome firm structure, overload
protection, the descending speed control spool the whole thing, is
different from the scattered parts, convenient maintenance, so that the
car is more adapted to the market demand. The moving parts are
assembled with the alloy bush, which can absorb partial load, wear
resistance, prolong service life and convenient replacement. Nylon into
roller and exit, reduce the operator of the roller, and protect the
load of the wheel and fork; with manual slow down the control valve of
the pump sealed, high performance profile steel and structure of fork,
rise and fall, mobile location of the regulating handle, each activity
place are joining the lubricating oil.
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