巨力起重滑车/进口轴承可注油巨力滑车。 巨力牌起重滑车是一种能以较小的力提升较重物品的轻小型起重设备。起重滑车由定滑轮和动滑轮组成,并带有吊挂件。定滑轮位置固定不变,用以改变力的方向;动滑轮与重物一起升降,用以减小拉力。起重滑车可单独使用,也可与绞车等配合使用,是许多起重机械起升机构的基本组成部分。由于使用、携带方便,在起重安装作业中广泛应用。

Juli lifting pulley / imported bearing oiling Juli pulley. Juli brand is a kind of lifting pulley can enhance the heavy goods with a small force of the small light lifting equipment. Lifting pulley by the fixed pulley and the movable pulley, and a hanger. The fixed pulley position is fixed and fixed, and the direction of the force is changed; the movable pulley is lifted with the heavy object to reduce the tension force. Since weight pulley can be used alone, and winches, etc. with the use of many crane hoisting mechanism of the basic part. Due to the use, carry convenient, widely used in the lifting of the installation work.
Pulley according to the lever principle design of simple machinery. By a peripheral grooved disc and a rope across the disk (or tape, wire rope, chain etc.). Through the rope around the central axis of the movement to achieve mechanical efficiency, to achieve the role of effort or change the direction of the force.
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