河北骏豪机械设备有限责任公司,始建于2000年,是一家专业集起重机械设备及配套产品的开发、研究、生产、销售为一体的现代化大型企业。Hebei Junhao Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd., founded in 2000, is a professional set up heavy machinery and equipment and related product development, research, production, sales as one of the modernization of large enterprises.
巨力滑车从整体来说无论是质量上还是安全性上都是同类产品的佼佼者,是名副其实的信得过产品。 欢迎各界商友来电来函洽谈业务,诚邀各界商友来厂考察。我们对起重滑车优质的售后服务也让您买着放心,用着安心。Juli block as a whole both quality and safety is a leader in similar products, is worthy of the trust products. Friends are welcome to negotiate business, welcome friends to plant inspection. The lifting tackle quality customer service service also allows you to buy the rest assured that with the peace of mind.
河北骏豪机械设备有限责任公司将以更饱满的热情不断超越自我,向着打造国际知名企业的目标迈进,诚望与各界同仁携手共创辉煌! 我们的产品在不断的改进,如果您有意订购我们的产品:欢迎拨打:13933002678 0311-89619123