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产品价格: 3.0/人民币 
最后更新: 2011-12-06 11:34:49
产品产地: 广州
发货地: 广州 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 621
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    • 广州东远智能科技有限公司
    • 张美玲小姐 商务
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    • 邮件ddzq2011@msn.cn
    • 手机15622121899
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    • 地址广州市天河区燕岭路123号建设大厦918
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    I.CODE SLI IC是一个智能RFID标签芯片,适用于如供应链管理,以及行李、包裹等物品识别专用芯片 。I.CODE SLI符合ISO/IEC 15693标准,配合不同功率读写器天线可以实现长距离读写。

    General descrtption

    The I·CODE SLI IC is a dedicated chip for intelligent label applications like supply chain management as well as baggage and parcel identification in airline business and mail services. This IC is the first member of a product family of smart label ICs based on the ISO standard ISO/IEC 15693.

    The I·CODE system offers the possibility of operating labels simultaneously in the field of the reader antenna (Anticollision). It is designed for long range applications.

    2.1 Contactless Energy and Data Transfer

    Whenever connected to a very simple and cheap type of antenna (as a result of the 13.56 MHz carrier frequency) made out of a few windings printed, winded, etched or punched coil the I·CODE SLI IC can be operated without line of sight up to a distance of 1.5 m (gate width). No battery is needed. When the smart label is positioned in the field of an interrogator antenna, the high speed RF communication interface allows to transmit data with up to 53 kbit/s.

    2.2 Anticollision

    An intelligent anticollision function allows to operate more than one tag in the field simultaneously. The anticollision algorithm selects each tag individually and ensures that the execution of a transaction with a selected tag is performed correctly without data corruption resulting from other tags in the field.

    2.3 Security

    Unique Identifiers, which can not be altered, guarantee the uniqueness of each label.

    Features and benefits

    1.1 I•CODE SLI RF Interface (ISO/IEC 15693)

    Contactless transmission of data and supply energy (no battery needed)
    Operating distance: up to 1.5 m (depending on antenna geometry)
    Operating frequency: 13.56 MHz (ISM, world-wide licence free available)
    Fast data transfer: up to 53 kbit/s
    High data integrity: 16 Bit CRC, framing
    True anticollision
    Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS)
    Application Family Identifier (AFI) supported
    Data Storage Format Identifier (DSFID)
    Additional fast anticollision read
    Write distance equal to read distance

    1.2 EEPROM

    1024 bits, organised in 32 blocks of 4 byte each
    Data retention of 10 years
    Write endurance 100.000 cycles

    1.3 Security

    Unique identifier for each device
    Lock mechanism for each user memory block (write protection)
    Lock mechanism for DSFID, AFI, EAS

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