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100 X remote control ball float v

产品价格: 620/人民币 
最后更新: 2012-11-05 15:46:45
产品产地: 上海
发货地: 上海 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 588
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    • 上海红阀阀门有限公司
    • 陈扬先生 部门经理
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    • 邮件redvalves@163.com
    • 手机15921677307
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    • 地址上海市奉贤区南明路2号门
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    100X遥控浮球阀由主阀、针阀、球阀、浮球阀、微型过滤器等组成水力控制接管系统,调定后,自动控制液面高度100 X remote control ball float valve is the main valve, by needle valve, ball valves, ball float valve, miniature filters and other components of the hydraulic control over the system, the setting, automatic control liquid surface height. Remote control ball float valve directly for the use of liquid level control, and no other device and energy, easy maintenance, liquid level control high accuracy, not affected by water pressure influence, the sealing is reliable. Red valve 100 X remote control ball float valve is widely used in high-rise buildings, living quarters, water supply network system of water tower, and pools and other facilities of the liquid level control. When the water pipe from the water supply, as the needle valve, ball valves, ball float valve is often open, the 100 X remote control ball float valve water through the micro filter, the needle valve, control room, ball valves, ball float valve into the pool, the control room at this time not form pressure, the main valve opens, water tower (pool) water supply.

    Second, remote control ball float valve USES

    100 X remote control ball float valve when water tower (pool) the surface of the water rose to set a high altitude, the float up close ball float valve, the control of indoor water pressure increases, promote the main valve closed, water supply to stop. When the water drop, ball float valve to open, control room water pressure drop, the main valve opens again continue to water supply, keep the liquid surface height set.

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