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Symons Cone Crusher

产品价格: 500000/人民币 
最后更新: 2012-07-11 11:58:58
产品产地: 上海
发货地: 上海 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 530
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    • 上海夏洲重工机械有限公司
    • 沈炜茵 
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    Symons Cone Crusher

    Symons Cone Crusher can be widely used for metal and nonmetal mines, cement, construction, metallurgy, iron ore, nonferrous metal ores, granite, limestone, quartzite, sandstone, pebbles, etc.

    Symons cone crusher product mapSymons cone crusher on-site operating plans

    Symons Cone Crusher:For higher productivity, better reliability and flexibility, long service life, and better final product quality, the Symons type cone crusher is absolutely your best choice. Symons type cone crusher offer several outstanding features such as excellent tramp release system, unique hydraulic lifting system, high crusher throw and reasonable cavity design, all of these features ensure the Symons type cone crusher can offer the unbeatable performance in secondary, tertiary and quaternary applications. If your aggregate or mining business demands the 24-hours running, high-reduction, big capacity application, you will find the Symons type cone crusher optimized for your demands. The innovations like the stable lubrication, excellent sealing feature, great abrasive material applied in key components and rugged construction effectively reduce the wear rate , extend the replacement period of the spare parts, evidently reduce the production cost in per ton hour material processed. All of these can help you to achieve the highest level of profitability.

    Features and Benefits:1.Higher capacity and less wear costs.2.Wide range of application suitability.3.Easy to maintain, reduce the downtime and maintenance costs.4.Stable running performance and easy operation.

    CSB Series Symons cone crusher technical parameters:

    Model Dia.of cone
    Inch Adjustable discharge
    port size
    Counter shaft
    Overall dimension
    CSB75 900
    Fine type 83 102 9-22 580 75 45-91 2821×1880×2164 15
    Coarse 159 175 13-38 59-163
    CSB110 1200
    Fine type 127 131 9-31 485 110 63-1881 2821×1974×2651 20
    Medium 155 156 13-38 100-200
    Coarse 178 191 19-51 141-308
    CSB160 1295
    (4 1/4)
    Fine type 109 137 13-31 485 185 109-181 2800×2342×2668 27
    Medium 188 210 16-38 132-253
    Coarse 215 241 19-51 172-349
    CSB240 1650
    (5 1/2)
    Fine type 188 209 16-38 485 240 181-327 3911×2870×3771 55
    Medium 213 241 22-51 258-417
    Coarse 241 268 25-64 299-635
    CCSB315 2134
    Fine type 253 278 19-38 435 315 381-726 4613×3251×4732 110
    Medium 303 334 25-51 608-998
    Coarse 334 369 31-64 789-1270


    CSD Series Symons cone crusher technical parameters:

    Model Dia.of cone
    Inch Adjustable discharge
    port size
    Counter shaft
    Overall dimension
    CSD75 900
    Fine type 13 41 3-13 580 75 27-90 2821×1880×2410 15
    Coarse 33 60 3-16 27-100
    CSD110 1200
    Fine type 29 57 5-16 485 110 50-132 2560×1942×2928 20
    Medium 44 73 10-16 90-145
    Coarse 56 89 13-19 141-181
    CSD160 1295
    (4 1/4)
    Fine type 29 64 3-16 485 160 36-163 2800×2342×2668 27
    Medium 54 89 6-16 82-163
    Coarse 70 105 10-25  
    CSD240 1650
    (5 1/2)
    Fine type 35 70 5-13 485 240 90-209 3917×2870×3771 55
    Medium 54 89 6-19 136-281
    Coarse 98 133 10-25 190-336
    CSD315 2134
      51 105 5-16 435 315 190-408 4130×3251×4454 110
    Medium 95 133 10-19 354-508
    Coarse 127 178 13-25

    cone crusher http://www.xiazhouchina.com/2011/0910/7.html
    Jaw Crusher http://www.xiazhouchina.com/2011/0910/2.html
    stone crusher http://www.xiazhouchina.com/2011/0916/22.html 
    Hammer Crusher http://www.xiazhouchina.com/2011/0910/9.html
    Impact Crusher http://www.xiazhouchina.com/2011/0910/3.html
    Sand Making  http://www.xiazhouchina.com/2011/0910/8.html

    cone crusher   http://www.xz-crusher.com/2011/1207/3.html
    Jaw Crusher    http://www.xz-crusher.com/2011/1207/1.html
    stone crusher  http://www.xz-crusher.com/2011/1207/11.html
    Hammer Crusher http://www.xz-crusher.com/2011/1207/7.html
    Impact Crusher http://www.xz-crusher.com/2011/1207/2.html
    Sand Making    http://www.xz-crusher.com/2011/1207/9.html

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