>数控系统编程采用ISO国际代码,键盘手动输入,并配有RS232通信接口,设有断电保护和各种自诊断功能 The machine adopts ISO international code and Keyboard Manual Data Input,It is also provided with programs of power cut-off protection and the functions of automatic diagnosis,and with Rs232infer-face.
> 车床纵横向由伺服电机驱动,精密滚珠丝杠传动.Longitudinal and cross feeds are effected by servomotor drive through ball screws.
> 刀架有四工位、六工位、立式或卧式可供选用,采用精密度端齿盘定位,也可选用排刀,重复定位精度高。Either vertical or horizontal 4-station or 6-station tool postor gang tools can be selected.The post is located on precision contrate gears with ahigh repeated positioning accuracy.
> 卡盘和尾座有液压、手动可供选择 Both chuck and tailstock are supplied with hydraulic or manual type.
> 数控车床床身导轨经超音淬火后精磨而成,使用寿命更长,精度高The surface of the bedways is supersonic frequency hardened and precision ground with a long service life.
> 主轴通孔Φ80mm,主轴系统刚性好。主轴为变频无级调整。The spindle bore size is 80mm.The spindle system is high in the rigidity and accuracy,An invertor is used to realize variable speed.更多详细内容可访问www.qdzcjc.com 官网