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产品价格: 电议/人民币 
最后更新: 2012-05-19 20:29:11
产品产地: 上海
发货地: 上海 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 453
询价  试用会员产品
  • 公司基本资料信息
    • 上海复谦工业皮带有限公司
    • 汪庆锋先生 经理
    • 会员[试用会员产品]
    • 邮件hxbelt@163.com
    • 手机13564065416
    • 电话
    • 传真
    • 地址上海奉贤柘林沪杭公路3217号
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    本司产品被广泛应用于、食品、饲料、陶瓷、玻璃、家用电器、货物搬运、化学工业、印刷、纺织印染、建筑材料、重工业等各行业机械及相关产品OEM配套.经营项目:    PVC、PU、PE、SIR、帆布输送带、输送机械、食品带,皮带轮    扫描仪、打印机齿形皮带、微型马达传动皮带 广角带    齿形皮带(T10、T5、AT、H、L、S2M、S4.5M、3M、5M、8M、14M、XL、XXL XH XXH MXL、1.5GT 2GT 3GT,5GT.8YU,保力强皮带8MGT 14MGT 等)    同步轮(齿型有T10、T5、AT、H、L、S2M、S4.5M、3M、5M、8M、14M、XL、MXL、XL、XXL XH XXH  1.5GT 2GT 3GT,5GT.8YU同步轮)   三角带(A 、B 、C、 D、 E 、Z、 AX、 BX、SPA、SPB、 SPC、3V、5V、8V、XPA、XPB、XPC、XPZ型)PU三角带   变速带、多槽带(多沟带)、圆带、网带、铁氟龙,活络带.五角带,六角带,活络带 经营厂牌:    奥比(OPTIBELT)、盖茨(GATES)、优霓塔(UNITTA)、麦高迪(MEGADYNE)、三星(MITSUBOSHI)、阪东(BANDO)、先锋(PIONEER)、山牌(MOUNTAIN)三角带、三五、霓塔(NITTA)、西格林(SIEGLING)、哈伯西(HABASIT)、桑普拉(SAMPLA)、利达(LEDER)、荷兰:FABREEKA、平面传动皮带及BIAOBELT等。     欢迎您就输送带,传动带与其它传动配件来电、来函垂询。我们将竭诚为您服务,希望以高品质的产品,优质的服务使您有更广泛的发展前景,为您赢得更高的经济效益。      本公司接受OEM订单和特批量订货,价格可面议。 供应玻璃磨边机同步带,针织大圆机、电脑绣花横机同步带。
     Secretary of the products are widely used in food, feed, ceramics, glass, household appliances, goods handling, chemical industry, printing, textile printing and dyeing, construction materials, heavy industry and other industrial machinery and related products OEM package. Operating items: PVC, PU, PE SIR, canvas conveyor belt, transmission machinery, food belt, pulley scanners, printers, toothed belts, micro-motor drive belt wide belt toothed belt (the T10, T5, AT, H, L, S2M, S4.5M3M, 5M, 8M, 14M, XL, XXL XH XXH The MXL, 1.5GT 2GT 3GT 5GT.8YU ensure strong belt 8MGT 14MGT, etc.) synchronization round (tooth T10, T5, AT, H, L, and S2MS4.5M, 3M, 5M, 8M, 14M, XL, MXL, XL, XXL XH XXH 1.5GT 2GT 3GT 5GT.8YU synchronization round) Triangle (A, B, and C and D and E, Z, AXBX, a spa, the SPB, SPC, 3V, 5V, 8V, XPA, of XPB, XPC, XPZ type), multi-groove belt (multi-groove belt), V-belt transmission belt, round belt, mesh belt, Teflon, active with. with pentagonal, hexagonal zone, active with business label: Obi (OPTIBELT), Gates (GATES of), excellent Nitta (UNITTA), Hamish Di (MEGADYNE,), Samsung (MITSUBOSHI) Bando (BANDO)Pioneer (PIONEER), mountain brand (mOUNTAIN) belt, 235, Nitta (NITTA), Sieglin (SIEGLING), Habasit (HABASIT) Sampla (SAMPLA,), Leader (LEDER), the Netherlands:FABREEKA flat drive belt and BIAOBELT. Welcome on the conveyor belt and other transmission parts calls, letter inquiries. We will be happy to serve you high quality products, quality services so that you have a broader development prospects for you to win a higher cost-effectiveness. We accept OEM orders and special quantities, the price may be negotiable. Supply glass edging machine belt, circular knitting machine, computerized embroidery and knitting machine belt.

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