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产品价格: 8/人民币 
最后更新: 2011-06-09 09:00:50
产品产地: 中国
发货地: 深圳 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 778
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  • 公司基本资料信息
    1.1              旋转方向(Rotation Direction)
      从扇叶面看风扇,扇叶逆时针方向旋转,按外框一边的箭号指示相同方向(The blade is count Clockwise viewing from the blade. The same direction also indicated by an arrow mark on one side of the housing。)
    1.2           保护试验(Protection)
    几个风扇扇叶连在一起固定限制其旋转,如果风扇及电子组件不会损坏,限制旋转的组件被解松则风扇可自动重新启动旋转。(All fans have integrated protection against locked rotor condition so that there will be no damage to winding or any electronic component. Restarting is automatic as soon as any constraint component to rotation has been released。)
    风扇放置在垂直位置,打开开关“ON”或“OFF”风扇旋转或停止,运转正常则说明风扇是合格品(As fan placed at dead angle position, and the switch of FAN was changed from off to on,Restarting was automatic normal as soon as and proved that this fan is good fan)
    1.3              转体锁定保护(Locked Rotor Protection)
    1.3.1        小电流或者带Auto start功能的风扇,在通电旋转状态将风扇扇叶锁定,持续72小时之后,松开被锁定扇叶并断开电源,再重新启动电源,风扇自动重转,证明风扇无异常。(No damage shall be found after 72 hours continuously at condition of rotation locked,Restarting is automatic as soon as constraint to running has been released)。
    1.3.2        大电流或不带Auto start功能的风扇,不可长时间锁定,否则风扇会过热损坏。(The fan can’t be locked or the fan will overheat and be damaged)
    1.4              极性保护(Polarity Protection)
    电压正常条件下,如果反接电源对风扇通电5分钟,断电后重新按正常两极连接,所有功能将正常(No damage shall be found with reverse connection 15 minute at rated voltage. After returning to normal polarity, all function shall be normal。)
    1.5              自由跌落(Free Drop shock)
    单体由600mm高空跌到30mm厚的木板上,风扇6个表面中的任何一面和一角均经得起跌落试验,并确认无损伤.(The product drops from the bight of 600mm to the wood board of 30mm. Any one of the 6 faces and any one of the corners could withstand the pressure, and also no damage will be found.)。电力测定(ELECTRICAL INSPECTION)
    1.6              绝缘电阻(Insulation Resistance)
            在500V直流电条件下,外框与导线正极电阻不少于10MΩ(Not less than 10M ohm between housing and positive end of lead wire(red) at 500V DC)。
     6.2   绝缘强度(Dielectric Strength)
                在5mA漏电流,VA500C条件下持续60秒,风扇外框与导线无异常,证明绝缘良好(No damage should at 500 VAC for 60 sec, measured with 5mA trip current between housing and positive end of lead wire)。
     6.3  平均寿命(Life Expectancy)
                在指定恒温下持续工作后,经检验,90%能正常运转即可估算其平均使用寿命(The continuous duty life at given temperature after which,90% of testing units shall still be running)。
    Bearing System
    Test Temperature
    Test time
    Twoball Bearing
    Twoball Bearing
    Twoball Bearing

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