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960-017-000 960-126-000 960-127-000

产品价格: 1/人民币 
最后更新: 2012-09-25 21:33:40
发货地: 上海 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 443
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  • 公司基本资料信息
    上海冠佑电气自动化有限公司随时欢迎您的来电咨询,低价现货供应 。
    电话:021-60483978  13916770581
    传真:021-34689102  联系人:陈尉
    商务QQ:1305857511  邮箱:2265736@163.com
    Type 10 Pressure Regulator 
    重复精度高 压力稳定
    Product Detail:
        世界上没有任何其他厂家的调压阀能在调压精度和重复精度上与Bellofram的T10系列调压阀相媲美。它适合高精度要求场合。 此阀实际上是一个通过导向片和不锈钢气囊组成的伺服机构来保证精度的压力控制器。这个机构最初是为敏感的飞机高度计开发的,这个精密传感元件提供能量以激活伺服控制机制。它提供了更好的调节精度,并消除了一系列传统膜片与弹簧遇到的问题。整个测量元件,包括先导部分,是由不锈钢制成并经过热处理,以消除在正常工作环境下的迟滞或永久变形。
    Part Numbers: 
       Port Size Control Range
    Type Part Number NPT BAR psig
    10 960-001-000 1/8 0.1–1.7 2-25
    960-003-000 1/4 0.1–1.7 2-25
    960-005-000 3/8 0.1–1.7 2-25
    960-007-000 1/8 0.1–4.1 3-60
    960-009-000 1/4 0.1–4.1 2-60
    960-011-000 3/8 0.1–4.1 2-60
    960-013-000 1/8 0.1–8.3 2-120
    960-015-000 1/4 0.1–8.3 2-120
    960-017-000 3/8 0.1–8.3 2-120
    10BM 960-126-000 N/A 0.1–1.7 2-25
    960-127-000 0.1–4.1 2-60
    960-128-000 0.1–8.3 2-120
    10HR 960-028-000 1/8 0.1–8.3 2-120
    960-029-000 1/4 0.1–8.3 2-120
    960-030-000 3/8 0.1–8.3 2-120
    10EXHR 960-072-000 1/8 0.1–8.3 2-120
    960-073-000 1/4 0.1–8.3 2-120
    960-074-000 3/8 0.1–8.3 2-120
    10PL 960-019-000 1/8 0.1–1.7 2-25
    960-020-000 1/4 0.1–1.7 2-25
    960-021-000 3/8 0.1–1.7 2-25
    960-022-000 1/8 0.1–4.1 2-60
    960-023-000 1/4 0.1–4.1 2-60
    960-024-000 3/8 0.1–4.1 2-60
    960-025-000 1/8 0.1–8.3 2-120
    960-026-000 1/4 0.1–8.3 2-120
    960-027-000 3/8 0.1–8.3 2-120
    10LR 960-053-000 1/4 0.03–1.7 0.5-25
    T10 调压阀还提供各种接口, (类似T10BM) 详情请与我们取得联系。
     Type 110
    Type 110 Pressure Regulator 
    丰富的接口可供选择– 3/8, 1/2, 3/4 和 1 NPT
    (BSPP 和BSPT 也可选择)
    高流量 – 150+ SCFM
    Product Detail:
    The Type 110 combines the proven technology of the Marsh Bellofram Type 10 regulator with the large pneumatic booster of the Type 79 Relay. The result is a precise, crisply responding regulator that can achieve very large forward and exhaust flows. Forward to reverse flow offset is minimized by the capsule operated, servo-control system located in the upper portion of the regulator. This servo-control system supplies a pilot pressure to the large integral pneumatic booster. The large supply and exhaust orifices of the integral booster enable this regulator to produce very high forward and exhaust flow rates. Few regulators can offer this combination of sensitivity and large flow capacity.
    As with all of the Type 10 regulators, the stainless steel measuring capsule is the “heart” of the Type 110 Pressure Regulator. Originally developed for sensitive aircraft altimeters, this precision-sensing element provides the energy to activate the servo-control mechanism. It provides greater regulation and accuracy while eliminating the problems usually encountered with range springs and conventional diaphragms. Because of the balanced supply valve in the integral pneumatic booster, the Type 110 can work with higher supply pressures (250 PSIG) than many other regulators.
    The Type 110 was developed specifically for use with Air Balancing Systems or Zero-Gravity Arms. Such systems require very small forward to reverse flow offsets for smooth operation. The precision regulators that can achieve the sensitivity requirements do not typically possess the forward or exhaust capacity to handle large balancing arms or cylinders. The Type 110 does not have this limitation. It is ideal for use in any application where precise regulation of pressure is required along with high flow or high exhaust capacity. 
    Part Numbers: 
    P/N Port Size Pressure Ranges
    psig BAR
    960-510-000 3/8 NPT 2-25 0.1-1.7
    960-511-000 3/8 NPT 2-50 0.1-3.5
    960-512-000 3/8 NPT 2-110 0.1-7.6
    960-513-000 1/2 NPT 2-25 0.1-1.7
    960-514-000 1/2 NPT 2-50 0.1-3.5
    960-515-000 1/2 NPT 2-110 0.1-7.6
    960-516-000 3/4 NPT 2-25 0.1-1.7
    960-517-000 3/4 NPT 2-50 0.1-3.5
    960-518-000 3/4 NPT 2-110 0.1-7.6
    960-519-000 1 NPT 2-25 0.1-1.7
    960-520-000 1 NPT 2-50 0.1-3.5
    960-521-000 1 NPT 2-110 0.1-7.6

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