URV35作为一款通用的电平与功率测试仪表, 既能用于产
线和维修测试中也能用于需要精确测试结果的RF 和微波
实验室。 大量的各种探针和探头可以被用于到3 GHz的电
平测试和到40 GHz功率测试。
◆ 简洁,手持和可移动使用
◆ 电压测试和功率测试于一身
◆ 坚固的设计
◆ 模拟和数字显示
◆ 菜单指引
◆ 交流供电或电池供电
◆ 大量探针和探头可选
◆ 用于跟踪源频响校正的DC输入
◆ 用于记录的模拟输出
◆ RS-232-C接口
◆ 用于检测探头和探针的测试信号源
RF level meter display unit digital/analog display
Battery Powered Model The URV35 RF Voltmeter is a
voltmeter and power meter for versatile
applications in service and production as well as
for precision measurements in RF and microwave
labs. A large variety of probes and sensors allows
voltage measurements up to 3 GHz and power
measurements up to 40 GHz. Features: ? 200 mV to
1000 V ? 100 pW to 30 W ? Compact, handy and
mobile ? Voltmeter and power meter in one unit ?
Rugged design ? Combined (true) analog and digital
display ? Menu-guided operation ? AC-supply or
battery operation ? Large choice of probes and
sensors ? DC frequency input for tracking
frequency-response correction ? Analog output for
YT recorder ? RS-232-C interface
综合测试仪等高频仪器!仪器型号众多,现货齐全, 欢迎