产品名称: Agilent / HP 8509B Lightwave Polarization Analyzer
产品说明:现货1台。This Agilent / HP 8509B Lightwave Polarization Analyzer is used and in excellent condition.
Model 8509B:
? Processor: AMD 6K/2 333 MHz
? Hard Drive: 4GB HDD
? Memory: 64 MB RAM
? Operating Software on Controller: Windows 95 Installed
? Installed Software: Agilent 8509 Lightwave Polarization Analyzer v2.11
? Keithley PDMA-32 Parallel Digital Interface Board (Used to Interface Between 8509B and PC)
? HP 82335A GPIB Card
? Optical interface connectors: PC
? Data Cable: 37-Pin E126286-C
? Hardware Required: Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse
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