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产品价格: /人民币 
最后更新: 2018-01-23 11:12:15
产品产地: 本地
发货地: 本地至全国 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 1217
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    • 上海佑戈金属科技有限公司
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    • 邮件sales@yoogle-metal.com
    • 手机13761353549
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    • 地址上海市金山工业区金流路138号8幢
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    Shanghai Yoogle Metal Technology Co.,Ltd (Yoogle brand)  is a high-tech enterprise in China, founded in 2008 and located in Shanghai Jinshan industrial park,For improve product quality and performance ,we have established good relationship with many scientific research departments and universities in China, and jointly develop more technologies to adapt to the fast changing in the future.

    Fuel cell as a new generation clean energy is wildly recognized around the world, and this kind of new generation fuel cell is the mostly develop directions for many countries to have a strategic layout in today or future. After a long period research and small batch trial production, our products has reached a world-class level. Our main business includes

     ▍Metallic bipolar plates for PEMFC

     ▍Interconnectors for SOFC.

    Yoogle focuses on the key components of fuel cells, which is to reduce various costs through large-scale and mass production, and enable fuel cells to be applied to all of fields rapidly.We believe that we can do better ourselves and contribute to the development of fuel cells.

    我们产品Our products

    ★Metallic bipolar plates for PEMFC 

    (Possible substrate :stainless steel ,Aluminum alloy,Titanium alloy)

    ★Interconnects for SOFC

    ★Service (Design,Coating,Forming,Sealing etc)

    产品应用A wide range of applications

    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

    Material handling equipment




    Rail vehicle

    Power system


    产品显著优势All advantages at a glance

    ▍Compared with Graphite BP, metallic bipolar plates is thinner and not easy to be brittle.

    ▍Easy to assemble into the fuel cell stack.

    ▍Long life ( over 5000 Hours )

    ▍PEMFC environmental corrosion1µA/cm2

    ▍High conductivity, Low contact resistance 3mΩ•cm2

    ▍ High cost-effective

    ▍Easy to install into the stack of fuel cell

    ▍Outstanding corrosion resistance 

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