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产品价格: 14000/人民币 
最后更新: 2018-04-01 13:14:07
产品产地: 山东潍坊市
发货地: 山东潍坊市 (发货期:当天内发货)
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浏览次数: 794
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    3U-RTN silo weighing control system

    产品概述Product Introduction


    RTN series hopper weighing control system is suitable for various solid hopper, tank, tank of liquid materials such as carrying out continuous weighing, control of the metering equipment. Widely used in building materials, cement, chemical, coal, mining, ceramics, glass, metallurgy, food, fertilizer, feed, ports, electricity, coking industry, environmental protection etc..

    工作原理Working Principle


    The weight signal is transmitted from the hopper material into the micro processing controller, automatically calculate the material actual weight or cabin altitude. The material weight or height transform 4-20MA transmission signal. You can set the material of the upper and lower limit values, control the feeding device and the discharge device, so that the actual material remains in the set range.

    技术指标Technical Indicators

    计量精度Measurement precision≤ ±0.5%

    计量范围Transport capacity of feeding0.001-1000T

    计量方式Metering mode称重

    工作方式Working mode连续或批次Continuous or Batch

    性能特点Performance characteristics

    1、 全悬浮式直接称重结构,保证计量准确,长期稳定。

    Weighing structure with suspended direct measurement (Patent No.: 236977.3).

    2、 采用高精度的数字称重模块,数字传输,分辨率高、信号无衰减、抗干扰强。

    By using high precision digital weighing module, digital transmission, high resolution, no signal attenuation, no interference.

    3、 控制器采用触摸显示技术,中英文图形化显示,显示直观,操作简单。

    The controller uses touch display technology,Chinese- English graphical display, Intuitive display, operation simple.

    4、 可接485通讯,CAN通讯,DCS,PLC等接口。

    It can connect 485 communications; CAN communication, DCS, PLC etc. interface.

    5、 GPRS无线数传功能,可以短信报表、远程诊断、校秤等功能。

    GPRS wireless data transmission function, can SMS report, remote diagnosis, remote control scales and other functions.

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