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产品价格: /人民币 
最后更新: 2018-12-28 16:56:45
产品产地: 上海
发货地: 上海 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 1795
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    • 上海品星防爆电机有限公司
    • 高艳小姐 销售经理(厂家直销)
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    产品简介(General introductions)


    YBBP series flame-proof frequency-control three-phase asynchronous motors (hereinafter referred to as “the motors”) are a series of new products developed by our company to meet the market demand. In conjunction with a frequency inverter, the motor can realize smooth step less speed variation over a wide range. This series has great advantages in speed regulation range, dynamic response performance, speed regulating precision, low-frequency torque, slip compensation, power factor, efficiency, etc., and serves as the ideal driving equipment to meet the requirements of speed regulation and energy saving for devices used in coal mines, petrochemical industry and other environments with explosive gases.


    结构说明structure declaration

    电动机按GB 3836.2MT 451(仅对ExdI)的规定制成隔爆型,其防爆标志为ExdIExdIIBT4ExdIICT4ExdIExdIIBT4产品范围机座号H80500ExdIICT4产品范围机座号H80450

    The motors are manufactured into flameproof type and the flameproof property conforms to GB 3836.2 and MT451 (only for ExdI), and their flameproof marks include ExdI, ExdIIBT4, and ExdIICT4. The frame size range of products with ExdI and ExdIIBT4 is H80-500, and the range of the products with ExdIICT4 is H80-450.




    The motors have two cooling methods: IC411 (fan-ventilated series) and IC416 (forced ventilation series)

    The frame size range of the fan-ventilated series (IC411) is H280 and below.

    The frame size range of the forced ventilation series (IC416) is H160 and above.


    The protection class of the enclosure is IP55.


    The motors’ insulation grade: grade-F for H355 and below, grade-H for H400 and above. Special electromagnetic wire for frequency conversion is used. The insulation system, which is treated by special process, has good electrical and mechanical properties, moisture resistance, and heat stability, and meets the requirements of variable-frequency power sources.


    Cast-aluminum rotors are used in the motors. High-precision dynamic balance equipment and low unbalance mass guarantee the rotor’s smooth running and low vibration and noise.

    使用条件(Work Conditions)


    电压: 380V660V380/660V660/1140V    Rated voltage: 380V660V380/660V660/1140V

    功率:0.75KW~560KW                       Output power: 0.75KW~560KW  

    极数:2,4,6,8,10                             Poles:2,4,6,8,10

    防护等级:IP55                              Protection class:IP55

    绝缘/温升等级:F/B ,H/B                   Insulation class:F,H  temperature rise B

    海拔不超过1000m                         Altitude:Not exceed 1000m meters

    频率:50Hz                                Rated frequency:50Hz

    工作制:S1连续工作制                      Duty: continuous(S1)

    环境温度:-15℃~+40℃                      Ambient temperature:-15℃~+40℃

    防爆标志:“Exd I”“Exd II BT4Exd II CT4”  Ex-Mark: “Exd I” or “Exd II BT4Exd II CT4”


    If other special request please contact us

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