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    Performance and Optional Part Table of Centrifugal Fan………离心风机性能与选用件表


    Driving Mode……………………………………………………传动方式



    Total Pressure……………………………………………………全压

    Inner Effic..………………………………………………………内效率

    Inner Power………………………………………………………内功率

    Req. Power………………………………………………………所需功率




    Triangle Belt………………………………………………………三角带

    Anchor Bolt………………………………………………………地脚螺栓




    Shaft Pulley………………………………………………………主轴皮带轮



    Motor Pulley………………………………………………………电机皮带轮

    Motor Rail…………………………………………………………电机导轨


    Installation and Overall dimension of Centrifugal fan…………离心通风机安装及外形尺寸

    Machine No. …………………………………………………机号


    Discharge…………………………………………………… 出风口

    Connecting Bolt………………………………………………连接螺栓 


    Quant. ………………………………………………………数量

    Bolt Hole………………………………………………………螺栓孔

    Dia. …………………………………………………………直径


    Installation and Overall dimension……………………………安装及外形尺寸

    Impeller Weight………………………………………………叶轮重量

    Fan WeightMotor Excl)…………………………………风机重量(不包括电机)

    Motor Weight…………………………………………………电动机重量





    Type 4-72-11 centrifugal fan (below calls fan) is a kind of low and middle pressure fan, it has a wide service range, flat pressure curve, facilitate to install and repair, and low in price. In the current, there are multitude of items for fan, Type 4-72-11 is still ”a firm rock in mainstream ” of fan, it undertakes the ventilation of general factories, warehouses, high buildings and subways etc. and often appears on the main occasion such as Beijing Subway, it can output or input gas, but the gas handled by fan must be air or other gas which is non-inflammable, non-volatile, non-explosive, non-corrosive to steel and harmless to the people, visco-material shouldn’t be contained in the gas. Dust and hard particle content in the gas is not greater than 150 mg/m3, the gas temperature shall not exceed 80℃.

    Type B4-72-11 centrifugal fan also calls explosion proof centrifugal fan (symbolized with “B”), can handled combustible, explosive and volatile gases, its aerodynamic performance, overall dimension, foundation dimension and internal structure are the same as Type 4-72-11, but power must be changed to explosion proof motor power, impeller is made of aluminium in order to prevent impeller friction with casing to catch fire, explosion proof switch is used and it must be far a way from the explosive point in order to prevent switch striking sparks and igniting. In the explosive area, all wires must not have connector in order to prevent virtual connection and catch fire, wire should be installed into iron pipe.

    Type B 4-72-11 centrifugal fan is usually used in mine, tunnel and chemical industry.

    Type F 4-72-11 centrifugal fan can handle the gas which is corrosive to iron and steel, harmful to people and toxic.

    All parts, such as casing, impeller, inlet are made of corrosion resisting materials, such as stainless steel, glass fiber reinforced plastics and other corrosion resisting materials. Its aerodynamic performance, overall dimension, foundation dimension, internal structure and power are the same as Type 4-72-11. It often appears on the main occasions of chemical industry plant, zinc plating plant and chemical fertilizer plant etc.


    In normal condition, type 4-72-11 centrifugal fan has 13 different sizes and 18 varieties, they are 2.8A, 3.2A, 3.6A, 4A, 4.5A, 5.6A, 6A, 6C, 6D, 8C, 8D, 10C, 10D, 12D, 16B, 20B. One of them can be made of two types rotation i.e. right and left, viewing from one end of the motor, it is called as clockwise fan if the impeller rotates clockwise, and symbolized with “right”, on the contrary, it is called as counter clockwise fan if the impeller rotates counter clockwise, and symbolized with “left”. The outlet position of the fan can be expressed from the outlet angle of the casing, among them, No. 2.8~6A is made of a kind of angle 0°, user can change the angle according to the requirement, without note when ordering.


    Special note: 1.Adjustment of angles for No. 2..8A outlet is 0°~225°, the interval is 45°;

               2.Adjustment of angles for No. 3.2A~6A, 6C, 6D outlets is 0°~

    225°, the interval is 22.5°;

              3.Adjutment of angles for No. 8D~10C, D outlets is 0°~180°, the interval is 45°;

              4.Adjustment of angles for No. 12C, D outlets is 0°~180°, the interval is 15°;

              5.No. 16B, 20B outlets can be made three kinds of angles which are

    0°,90°,180°and can not be adjusted, note when ordering.

              6.The mentioned outlet angles is the customary doing of the fan trade, if they can’t meet your specific environment and condition, our factory can manufacture satisfactory angles for you, if this situation occurs the installation dimension behind the manual may be changed, users should take notice.

    There are 4 driving modes: A,B, C, D:

    A— Shaft disc of fan is installed on motor shaft by keyway, i.e. motor directly connecting;   

    B—Cantilever bearing unit, belt driving, pulley is in the middle of two bearings;

    CCantilever bearing unit, belt driving, but the pulley is outside the bearing;

    DCantilever bearing unit, coupling directly driving.

    In the fan trade customary doing, type 4-72-11 No. 2.8~5 take mode A, No. 6 takes modes A, C and D, No. 8~12 take modes C and D, No. 16, 20 take only mode B.

    Generally these driving modes can meet users operating requirement, if they can’t meet your requirement, our factory has ability to design and manufacture satisfactory fan for you.

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