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Westermo中国区总代理 EDW-100 工业转换器

产品价格: 7/人民币 
最后更新: 2012-10-31 21:14:45
产品产地: Westermo
发货地: 上海 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 822
询价  试用会员产品
  • 公司基本资料信息
    • 上海安跃电气有限公司
    • 贺杰先生 
    • 会员[试用会员产品]
    • 邮件andyheluck@139.com
    • 手机13661909986
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    • 传真
    • 地址上海市洛川东路285号东方明珠欧洲城
    • 进入商铺

    The EDW-100 is an is an Industrial Ethernet to serial adapter or Ethernet Terminal Server, designed for industrial use in harsh environments. The unit use standard TCP/IP protocols together with serial equipment, it allows almost any serial devices to interface through a new or existing Ethernet network. Two EDW-100 units can be used to create a simple point to point link or multiple units can be linked to form a one to many application all using Ethernet as the medium to transport the data. A point to point application can be configured with both UDP and TCP, if TCP is used the unit can act both as a client or as a server. Configuration of the unit is simple using theWeb-tool or via Telnet. It is also possible to configure speed and duplex via DIP-switch, this setting can be override by the Web-tool.

    A special adjusted 2 port licence of the virtual COM-software, Serial/IP from Tactical Software, are included with EDW-100 and EDW-120. If there is a requirement for more than two ports, a new licence must be ordered from Westermo. Note that the new licence can not be based on the delivered 2 port licence. Possible options are 4, 8, 16, 24 or 48 ports. For price information, please contact Westermo.

    Serial communication, RS-232 or RS-422/485
    Termination of RS-422/485 and fail safe functionality
    Ethernet 10/100 BaseT
    Packing algorithm
    Diagnostic information via Telnet and 10 LEDs
    Galvanic isolation and enhanced surge/transient protection on all ports
    Industrial and Railway approval
    Auto MDI/MDI-X
    Two levels of password for configuration
    Redundant power and wide DC input range


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