• 低呼吸阻力,大大提高佩带舒适度
• 海绵鼻部内衬,有效提高脸部贴合度及
• 不含PVC,硅,以及乳胶
• 适用于纺织,煤矿,石化,汽车制造等
欧标 FFP2 油性非油性兼防口罩
EN FFP2 against oil and non-oil particulates
订货号 Ref.:10 055 84
Sperian 5210 M/L 高性能防护口罩
• 有效防护禽流感,SARS等病毒
• According to the authoritative studies, it is approved to provide protection against virus of SARS
Avian flu,etc.
订货号 Ref.:10 055 86
Sperian 5211 M/L 高性能带阀防护口罩
• 全新的呼气阀门设计,最大程度降低呼气阻力,迅速排除湿气
• With an innovative design to the new exhalation valve which provide the minimal exhalation
resistance and a faster evacuation of the moist exhaled air
订货号 Ref.:10 113 71
Sperian 5260- AV 高性能活性碳防护口罩
• 在职业允许暴露浓度值以下,有效降低酸性气体气味
• Exposure to levels of acid gases and vapours below OEL* (hygrogen fluoride, chlorine, hydrochloric
acid, etc ...), offers reduction of the nuisance due to odours
• soft nose bridge, no metal outside, avoiding friction
• Lower breathing resistant to provide super comport
• Ultra soft triple sponge seal perfectly to fit the face
• Environment-friendly without PVC and silicone
• Application: Textile, mining, construction, iron and steel,
woodworking, car industry, food industry, cutting and
moldings ect