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Honeywell霍尼韦尔Optima Plus红外探测器

产品价格: 1/人民币 
最后更新: 2018-06-26 08:57:22
产品产地: 美国
发货地: 上海 (发货期:当天内发货)
供应数量: 不限
有效期: 长期有效
最少起订: 1
浏览次数: 1384
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    • 上海宛畅实业有限公司
    • 陈经理小姐 销售经理
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    • 邮件chenjing@parts4automation.com
    • 手机15021261413
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    • 地址上海市松江区广富林路4855弄11号楼1楼
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     霍尼韦尔Optima Plus红外发射器 固定式气体探测器2108B210N

    Searchpoint Optima Plus

    Market leading point infrared Hydrocarbon

    gas detector offering proven performance

    and sensitivity


    1. Optics Block

    The 4-channel (dual compensated)

    optics-block is the heart of the

    Searchpoint Optima Plus. It is specifically

    designed to compensate for changes in the

    external environment similar to 2-channel

    designs, but also compensates for long term

    component drift such as infrared sources

    and detectors. This provides the

    Searchpoint Optima Plus with the most

    stable optics design possible.

    2. Microprocessor

    The microprocessor controls the operation of

    the Searchpoint Optima Plus. The signal

    processing and algorithms provide a new

    dimension in false alarm rejection delivering

    the highest level of operational integrity.

    3. Heated Optics Plus Dynamic

    Heating Control

    Heated optic components, monitored via

    smart electronics, eliminate condensation

    build up with power saving features.

    4. Remote Gassing Cell

    Factory fitting of this optional gassing cell

    within the optical path allows the remote

    injection of functional test gas to validate the

    performance of a Searchpoint Optima Plus.

    Remote Gas Sampling Systems

    For monitoring remote or inaccessible

    locations Searchpoint Optima Plus can be

    fitted with a flow housing and engineered

    into a gas sampling system. Single-point

    and multi-point systems are available for

    both hazardous and non-hazardous areas.




    公司依托国内外一批成熟大客户:中海油渤海钻井平台,山东瑞星化工,河北沙河电厂,PAKISTAN NATIONAL REFINERY LIMITED,Petro Oil Supply SDN BHD,THUSO MOLOSIWA BOTSWANA POWER CORPORATION,巴西PAMPA1X345MW燃煤电站等,拥有一批非常优势的品牌资源.

    主营:Honeywell霍尼韦尔气体探测,Micro Motion艾默生高准质量流量计,罗斯蒙特变送器,霍尼韦尔控制系统与集成,燃烧控制产品,环境自控,阀门执行器、开关等。



    联系电话:021-37824198 / 17740803693

    QQ:1093845670/1016549297 专业为您选型。


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