FSL100 火焰探測器
霍尼韋爾公司的 FSL100 系列輕工業/商業火焰探測器,可針對眾多火災應用層面輕鬆涵蓋容易發生火災的區域。 安裝,設置和操作簡便。 廣大可靠的區域涵蓋範圍且反應快速,提供最大限度的安全保障。 所有的型號內都設有自動測試和測試燈來保障可靠性。
UV、UVIR 和 IR3 火焰探測器適合各式各樣的應用領域
堅固, 安裝和設置簡便; 廣角度並且反應快速
FSL100 火焰探測器- UV、UVIR 和 IR3 適用於輕工業應用領域
GRP 外盒,提供紅色或白色兩種選擇;轉座
12-14Vdc,25mA 標稱操作
4 至 20 mA 和繼電器輸出
霍尼韋爾分析推出的最新光電火焰探測器,適合各式各樣的輕工業火焰偵測應用。 躋身 HA FSX 高階產品之列的各種中間市場光纖火焰探測器產品。 解決室內室外一系列的設備防火保護。 提供 3 種產品選擇,可涵蓋偵測各種不同的火焰:紫外線 (UV)、紫外線/紅外線 (UVIR) 以及三重紅外線 (IR3)。
透過穩固的多角度視場進行輻射能光測,可涵蓋大範圍的危險區域。 提供簡易選用安裝支架,可將 FSL 100 安裝並精準涵蓋危險區域。
危險區域 ATEX 區 2/22,FM Class1、2 和 3 Div2
可安裝在室內或室外,以及通常可從遠處深入探測區域 1 的危險區域。
FM 3260 和 EN54-10 性能證明。
FM 3260 和 EN54-10 火焰探測性能證明。
FSL 100 維持不間斷內部性能監控. 探測燈能進行簡單操作和視場測試。
FSL100 Series Flame Detectors UV, UVIR, IR3
The FSL100 Series of flame detectors from Honeywell delivers robust, fast and reliable
detection of flaming fires in a wide range of applications.
The range consists of UV, UVIR and IR3 flame detectors. All utilise sophisticated sensing
and signal analysis to detect fires quickly while also rejecting false alarms.
The FSL100 may be small and lightweight for easy installation but they are designed
to work in tough environments both in and out of doors as well as potentially explosive
With a large field of view they can detect a range of different types of fire including
hydrocarbon and non hydrocarbon sources.
Available in UV, UVIR and 3IR we have your application covered.
Suitable for Many Applications
• UV, UVIR and IR3 available
• Hydrocarbon and non hydrocarbon sources
• Use in potentially explosive atmospheres
• Indoor and outdoor operation
• High visibility red or discrete white models available
Great Performance
• Approved to EN54-10 and FM3260 flame
detector standards
• Comprehensive automatic self test
• Remote manual self test option
Fast & Reliable
• High speed sensors and microprocessor
• Sophisticated analysis algorithms
• Continuous health monitoring
• False alarm rejection
Reduced Life Cost
• Long life elements
• Pressure compensation to avoid contamination
• 2 year warranty
• Buy with confidence
Ease of Installation and Use
• Relay and mA outputs as standard
• Lightweight GRP housing
• Pre-formed knockouts
• Optional swivel mounting bracket
• Long range test lamp available
Flame Detectors
• Suitable for indoor applications, for
example fume hoods and hydrogen
storage areas
• Effective solution for materials burning
with low temperatures, e.g. Sulphur
• Detects fires caused by higher
hydrocarbons (wood, paper, petrol)
as well as hydrogen and lower
hydrocarbons such as methanol
and methane
• Good resistance against the
influences of:
- Direct and reflected sunlight
- Artificial light, such as fluorescent
tubes and glass covered halogen
• Analysis of the flame flicker-frequency
for improved false alarm rejection
• Dual sensing methodology enables
a wide range of hydrocarbon and
non-hydrocarbon fires to be
effectively detected
• Monitors higher hydrocarbons flames
(wood, paper, petrol) but also
hydrogen and lower hydrocarbons
such as methanol and methane
• Good resistance against the influences of:
- Direct and reflected sunlight
- Artificial light, such as fluorescent tubes
and glass covered halogen lamps
- Arcs and electric discharges (static
or from e.g. electric motors)
- The radiation from electric welding
provided that the electric welding takes
place at a distance more than 3 meters
from the flame detector (a welding rod
contains organic compounds which
show flame phenomena)
• Analysis of the flame flicker frequency
for improved false alarm rejection
• Particularly suited to liquid
hydrocarbon and dirty fires
• Affected less by window
contamination or smoky fires
• Detects higher hydrocarbons flames
(wood, paper, petrol) and lower
hydrocarbons such as methanol
and methane
• Good resistance against the
influences of:
- Direct and reflected sunlight
- Artificial light, such as fluorescent
tubes and glass covered halogen
- Arcs and electric discharges (static
or from e.g. electric motors)
- The radiation from electric welding
provided that the electric welding
takes place at a distance more
than 3 meters from the flame
detector (a welding rod contains
organic compounds which show
flame phenomena)
• Especially suitable for smoky fires.
Analysis of the flame flicker frequency
for improved false alarm rejection
Specifications: FSL100 Series Flame Detectors
Ordering Information
Part Number Descrtption
FSL100-UV (red housing) UV flame detector
FSL100-UV-W (white housing) Suitable for ATEX zone 2/22; FM 3611 Class 1, 2 & 3 Div 2
EN54-10 (HIGH sensitivity) certificate
FM3260 approval (pending*)
FSL100-UVIR (red housing) UV/IR flame detector
FSL100-UVIR-W (white housing) Suitable for ATEX zone 2/22; FM 3611 Class 1, 2 & 3 Div 2
EN54-10 (HIGH sensitivity) certificate
FM3260 approval (pending*)
FSL100-IR3 (red housing) Triple IR flame detector
FSL100-IR3-W (white housing) Suitable for ATEX zone 2/22; FM 3611 Class 1, 2 & 3 Div 2
EN54-10 (HIGH sensitivity) certificate
FM3260 approval (pending*)
FSL100-SM21 Swivel mount (White)
FSL100-TL FSL100 test lamp, incl. universal charger and carrying case; safe areas only
FSL100-TLX FSL100 test lamp, incl. carrying case; intrinsically safe; hazardous area
公司依托国内外一批成熟大客户:中海油渤海钻井平台,山东瑞星化工,河北沙河电厂,PAKISTAN NATIONAL REFINERY LIMITED,Petro Oil Supply SDN BHD,THUSO MOLOSIWA BOTSWANA POWER CORPORATION,巴西PAMPA1X345MW燃煤电站等,拥有一批非常优势的品牌资源.
主营:Honeywell霍尼韦尔气体探测,Micro Motion艾默生高准质量流量计,罗斯蒙特变送器,霍尼韦尔控制系统与集成,燃烧控制产品,环境自控,阀门执行器、开关等。