CM4 4点系统
CM4 有有毒氣體監控器
可運用 Chemcasstte® 於 4 個監測點持續監控有有毒氣體。
Chemcassette® Technology
Analog and Serial Outputs
300' (90m) Sampling Distance
LonWorks® Interface Available
這款 CM4 裝置代表了無干擾、低維護需求、低擁有成本的最新解決方案,適用於半導體、製藥及化工產業。
精簡化的 1/4 吋圓筒設計,徹底減少了對製程區、輸送管及氣瓶室等位置的影響。此外,還可提供多種不同的訊號輸出選擇,使 CM4 堪稱為真正具備絕佳靈活度的產品。 易於安裝於大多數的建築警報系統中。
選購機架安裝外殼與印表機,能使產品設備更為齊全,可提供便利的防護與記錄功能。 此裝置可偵測超過 25 種氣體,某些屬於同一類型 (氫化物、礦物質、酸性氣體等)。
• 可於 4 個監測點持續監控
• Chemcassette® 技術
• 類比與串列輸出
• 300' (90 公尺) 採樣距離
• 桌面、牆面或機架安裝版本
• 可提供 LonWorks® 介面
• 串列印表機選擇
• 完善整合的音訊與視覺警報功能
Honeywell CM4 Toxic Gas Monitor
Honeywell Analytics CM4 Continuous Multipoint Monitor
The Honeywell Analytics CM4 is a hazardous gas monitor for continuous monitoring at 4 points.
This unit is supplied with different options, as table top, wall mount or a rack mount configuration (selections).
Over 30 gas calibrations are available with the CM4.
Features & Benefits
Total surveillance at all times
Easy installation into virtually all annunciation and shutdown systems
Physical evidence of events
Quick Specs
Chemcassette� Technology
Analog and Serial Outputs
300' (90m) Sampling Distance
LonWorks� Interface Available
Ordering Information
Model CM4 Monitor Base Unit
1874-1000 For 100/120 VAC, 50/60 Hz operation
1874-1002 For 220/240 VAC, 50/60 Hz operation
Model CM4-P Pyrolyzing Gas Monitor For NF3 Base Unit
1874-0000 100/110 VAC version
1874-0002 230 VAC version
Installation Kit
874008 Includes sample and exhaust tubing, technical handbook, and installation drawings/instructions
Configuration Kit
1874-0091 Table mount kit: Includes Input/Output module, table ribbon cable assembly, table I/O module cover, rubber feet, label kit, I/O insulator, and hardware package
1874-0093 Wall mount kit: Includes wall mounting brackets, Input/Output module, ribbon cable assemblies, I/O module cover, rubber feet, label kit, I/O insulator and hardware package
1874-0197 Rack Mount Kit �A� : For a new CM4 (only) to be added first revision enclosure (original System 16 style) in the field. Includes I/O module and bracket for rack mounting, ribbon cable assembly, tubing, manifold, serial pcb cover, label kit, I/O insulator label, slide/bracket assemblies and hardware package
1874-0095 Rack mount Kit "B": For a new CM4/CM4-P ordered concurrently with a rack enclosure (Schroff version). Includes all configuration changes required to permit quick installation of a new CM4 unit into a new MDA rack. I/O module is installed in CM4 enclosure, all slides are installed on units
1874-0149 Rack Mount Kit �C� : For a new CM4/CM4-P rack mount version to be field installed into a previously purchased Schroff enclosure. I/O module wrapped separately for attachment to rear panel of enclosure prior to installation of unit. Slides supplied with enclosure system
Power Cords
874333 North America (120VAC)
1874-0112 Japan (100VAC)
874558 Great Britain
874561 Europe
874557 Australia
874560 Switzerland
874559 Denmark
1971-0009 Ammonia (II)/ Amines, DMA, TDMAT
1971-0206 Ammonia - Extended Play ****
1971-0269 Ammonia XP4, DMA, TDMAT
1971-0021 Chlorine III** (Chlorine, Nitrogen Dioxide)
1971-0171 Chlorine - Extended Play
1971-0267 Chlorine XP4
1971-0030 Chlorine Dioxide
1971-0141 Fluorine, Chlorine
MVIP2025-C Hydrazine (UDMH)
1971-0164 Hydrazine (N2H4)
874032 Hydrides (Arsine [Std], Arsine [Dry], Diborane, Hydrogen Selenide, Hydrogen Sulphide, Phosphine, Silane, Tertiary Butyl Arsine)
1971-0104 Hydrides - Extended Play* (Arsine, [Std], Diborane, Phosphine, Silane)
1971-0265 Hydrides XP4 (Arsine, [Std], Diborane, Phosphine, Silane, Hydrogen Selenide, Hydrogen Sulphide, Hydrogen Sulphide Low Level, Hydrogen Sulphide Dry, Tertiary Butyl Arsine, Tertiary Butyl Phosphine)
1971-0105 Hydrides Extended Play* (Arsine [Low Level] only, Germane)
1971-0266 Hydrides XP4 (Arsine [Low Level] only, Germane)
1971-0010 Hydrogen Cyanide
1971-0014 Hydrogen Sulphide
1971-0020 Hydrogen Sulphide (Low Level)
1971-0016 Phosgene
1971-0120 Phosgene - Extended Play***
1971-0270 Phosgene XP4, Phosgene High Level
874038 Mineral Acids (Hydrogen Bromide, Hydrogen Chloride, Hydrogen Fluoride, Hydrogen Iodide)**
1971-0032 Mineral Acids (Low Levels) Hydrogen Bromide, Hydrogen Chloride, Boron Trifluoride
1971-0214 Mineral Acids XP (Boron Trifluoride, Hydrogen Bromide [std and low level], Hydrogen Chloride, Hydrogen Cyanide, Hydrogen Fluoride [std and low level], Nitrogen Trifluoride)
1971-0253 Mineral Acids XP Low Level HF calibration. May require export license from the US Department of Commerce - See bulletin 6023.
1971-0272 Mineral Acids XP4 (4 month) (Boron Trifluoride, Hydrogen Bromide [std and low level], Hydrogen Chloride, Hydrogen Cyanide, Hydrogen Fluoride [std only], Nitrogen Trifluoride)
1971-0268 Mineral Acids XP4 (4 month), includes Hydrogen Fluoride Low Level. May require export license from the US Department of Commerce - See bulletin 6023.
1971-0217 Nitrogen Triflouride XP (CM4-P only)
1971-0271 Nitrogen Trifluoride XP4 (CM4-P only)
1971-0040 Nitrogen Trifluoride (CM4-P only)
1971-0260 Sulphur Dioxide
MVIP2149-C Triethyl Amine
* Requires special XP Hydrides Chemcassette 1874-9300. Order separately. ** Points monitoring corrosive or mineral acid gases in dusty or outdoor locations (< Class 10,000 clean room) should use end of line dust filters fitted with Teflon membranes. See Technical Note 1998-0080 for further information.
*** Requires special XP Phosgene Chemcassette 1874-9307. Order separately.
**** Requires special XP Ammonia Chemcassette 1874-9309. Order separately.
Alarm Level Settings
1874-0330 1 x TLV and 2 x TLV (A2) are standard alarm settings. However, 1/2 x TLV (A1) and 1 x TLV (A2) can be factory preset. Order if required Seven (7) Unit Enclosure for CM4
1874-0050 Seven (7) Unit Enclosure for CM4: 100- 120VAC
1874-0054 Factory installed kit for 230VAC operation (for European systems)
Five (5) Unit Plus Printer Enclosure for CM4
1874-0051 Five (5) unit plus printer enclosure for CM4: 120VAC
1874-0052 Factory installed kit for 100VAC operation
1874-0053 Factory installed kit for 230VAC operation
1874-0056 Blanking panels for enclosure positions without monitors or printer installed
1874K0350 Rack wiring kit for 7 LonWorks CM4s (for use w/Schroff enclosure)
1874-0194 Caster option (permits Schroff enclosure to be moved for cleaning or maintenance purposes. Factory installation highly recommended
Special Configuration Options
874018 Duty cycle option: Allows selection of time period before next window advance. Reduces tape consumption
874016 Remote alarm reset contact
874010 Sample line isolation valve (per point)
4-20 mA Outputs
1874A0304 4-20mA option for �new� style unit (w/IRDA port) (Single card [1 per CM4] with 4 isolated channels, cannot be used for CM4-P)
1874-0335 4-20mA non-isolated for CM4 units (Rev 8 and under) and CM4-P units (all Revs) (choose this 4-20mA option carefully. Installation guidelines, found in the CM4 technical handbook, must be followed exactly, to prevent electrical noise from entering the instruments. [4 per CM4 needed]
Serial Communications Interfaces
874021-R RS232 for serial printer or remote unidirectional interface (50 ft normal distance, cable dependent)
874022-R RS232 for bidirectional remote communication
874023-R RS422 for serial printer or remote unidirectional interface
874024-R RS422 for remote bidirectional communication
874327-R RS485 for remote bidirectional communication
1874-0332 LonWorks interface option (only with new units)
1874-0344 LonWorks interface option (retrofit)
1874A0355 LonWorks wiring needed for above LonWorks options, if used in non-rack mount applications
1998-0272 LonWorks network considerations Tech Note
Option, Printer PCB Configuration for Printer Share Box
1874-0323 Single printer configuration
1874-0324 Printer share box configuration
Sample Tubing
102628 Tubing, FEP Teflon 0.190" I.D. x 0.250" O.D - 400 ft roll (121m) Alternate tubing for Vertex samples lines. Used with Vertex M where longer sample line length for multiple analysers are required. Consult the transport time chart in the Vertex Technical Handbook for additional information
0235-0109 Tubing, FEP Teflon 0.190" I.D.-1000 ft roll (304m)
1283K1090 Duct adaptor for 1/4" O.D. tubing for 4-26" round ducts
Field Upgrade Kits
1874-0090 Table mount field kit (includes table ribbon cable assembly, table I/O module cover, rubber feet, label kit, and hardware package)
1874-0092 Wall mount field kit (includes wall mounting brackets, ribbon cable assembly, I/O module cover, label kit and hardware package)
1874-0094 Rack mount conversion kit (includes all parts and instructions necessary to change a previously purchased wall or table mount unit to a Schroff rack mount unit)
874550 Additional rack mounting kit for earlier (System 16) style MDA enclosure (includes slide/bracket assemblies, I/O module mounting bracket assembly, installation drawing and hardware)
0270-0001 Rack mounting slides for non-Honeywell Analytics 19" racks
MVIP3251 Enclosure printer kit for customer installation into Schroff enclosure purchased previously
Required for above listed printer field conversion kit or for separate field installed printer
1874-0007 Printer share box kit (6 position) 110VAC includes (qty. 6) 10 ft cables
1874-0008 Printer share box kit (6 position) 230VAC includes (qty. 6) 10 ft cables
1874-0010 Printer share box kit (11 position) 110VAC includes (qty. 11) 10 ft cables
1874-0011 Printer share box kit (11 position) 230VAC includes (qty. 11) 10 ft cables
Spare cables for printer share box to CM4 connection (DB25 to DB9)
1874-0031 50 ft (15 m) cable
1874-0033 10 ft (3 m) cable
874012 Okidata desktop printer option, 24 pin, dot matrix - non-rack mount, serial input Includes 10 ft cable 110/115 VAC
874264 Optics verification card
971305 Technical Handbook - English
1998M0043 Technical Handbook - Clean Room
1998M0086 Technical Handbook - French
1998M0119 Technical Handbook - German
1998-0151 CM4-P Supplement
1998-0002 CM4/CM4-P Quick Reference Card
1991-0002 Quick Reference Card holder
1991-0063 Rack Mount Printer Paper
0185-0022 Printer Ribbon (Perifics)
0185-0029 Replacement Ribbon Cartridge (Okidata)
874212 Chemcassette Carrier (w/o Chemcassette)
780248 End of Line Particulate Filter. For use as End of Line filter for Non-Corrosive gases
1991-0147 End of Line Particulate Filter for Corrosive Gases, Disposable. This disposable filter provides protection against particulate build up in the sample line when monitoring for Corrosive Gases
1830-0055 End of Line Particulate Filter for Corrosive Gases, Reusable. This reusable filter housing provides protection against particulate build up in the sample line when monitoring for Corrosive Gases. Replaceable filter element (P/N 0235-1072) purchased separately.
0235-1114 Dust Filter for Schroff Enclosure
0235-1072 Replacement "Corrosive" Filter Elements (pk 100). For use in 1830-0055 filter housing
1874-0139 Freon Filter for CM4-P (pk of 4)
1295K0497 H2S in line Scrubber Filter (1 per individual inlet line). Up to 3 months use
874553 Blanking Panel for earlier style MDA enclosure
0235-1159 Pump Diaphragm (HYPALON), 60 Hz
0235-1108 Pump Repair Kit (HYPALON), 60 Hz
0235-0095 Union Fitting
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主营:Honeywell霍尼韦尔气体探测,Micro Motion艾默生高准质量流量计,罗斯蒙特变送器,霍尼韦尔控制系统与集成,燃烧控制产品,环境自控,阀门执行器、开关等。
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